Sedar tak sedar today dah last day dalam 2009. Rasa cam cepat sangat masa berlalu ...and now kiter di ambang tahun baru ....semoga tahun baru nie brings us all lots of happiness, wealth, well-being, health and prosperity ...semoga kehidupan kiter semua diberkati ...
For me, 2009 banyak sangat memori yang tak dilupakan ...early this year kiter buka tirai 2009 with our happenning hols kat Bandung ...hahaha riuh satu Bandung biler kiter ke sana kan ...sampai terover budget sebab shopping sakan (sapa2 ntah yang terasa, maaf hehehe) ..and yang bestnyer that was the first time aku ngan liz berjumpa after 9 long years!!!! Also meeting new friends - Mama Reen & hubby ..
And from Jan - July 2009 aku kerap ke KL - banyak le ronggeng ngan Fend & family ...and now come to think of it - aku sekali pun tak jumpa Ita this year - eat??? apa jadi nie year HARUS jumpa ok usual jumpa fendu banyak le pi tempat2 makan - paling memorable...makan pengat pisang kat Classic Kopitiam and the fondue kat Chocolate Lounge ...hehehe makan mmg wajib kalau kuar ngan FenFid.
Malang nya the later half of 2009 aku sibuk tahap cipan with my PG Dip course - sampai tak cuti ...tak sempat go for a flying visit to KL lagi dah ....but, like I mention penyiksaan dah berakhir - aku dah abis belajar for that course!!! another good ending to 2009 ...cuma tunggu teaching practice in Jan & Feb then graduate!!!
But, the best is the outcome masa 7th Dec aritu and am very overwhelmed with your supports - FendFid, kak long & eat!!! really rounds up my year bagi 2009 am looking forward to ushering 2010 ...a new year, a new beginning wish for the new year: semoga our friendship kekal strong, we support each others in the good and the bad times, semoga we live a happy life, with love, prosperity (jgn tinggal yang nie heeheh), and great health...Happy New Year to all ...
P/S Looking forward to another reunion in March 2010 - Fend & Duan - cepat make arrangements!!!
A journey of friendship, our hope and despairs, our love for food and travel, our fantasy & reality
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Lepak Lepak makan biskut
Selalunya aku tak suka makan biskut manis manis. Selalu layan biskut kering or biskut lutut yang keras tu cicah dengan teh panas. Layannn. Tapi ada banyak stok biskut kat umah sekarang ni sebab orang bagi. Takur expired semalam aku dengan Ej layan sambil lepak tengok tv.
Sekali rasa biskut jam sandwich ni..sedap la pulak...tengok brand...Mark & Spencer. Rasanya ada orang bagi masa datang for Birthday Ej hari tu. Ada cream and strawberry sauce. Sebab Sedap...laju je aku dengan Ej belasah. Kalau korang pi M&S...cuba la beli. Satanem.

Yang ni pulak jenis puff with redcurrent jelly. Lagi sedap sebab lagi kurang manisnya. Pastrynya jenis danish. Lepas buka yang ni...yang sandwich tadi tolak tepi dulu.
Ej kalau tengok tv...panggillah camne pun dia buat dek je.
Ej dapat as her birthday present. Semalam ajar dia tricks nak main benda ni. So far dia tak pernah kalah lagi...dia dapat teka warna and kedudukan yang betul max at 7th step. Ok la tu.
Sekali rasa biskut jam sandwich ni..sedap la pulak...tengok brand...Mark & Spencer. Rasanya ada orang bagi masa datang for Birthday Ej hari tu. Ada cream and strawberry sauce. Sebab Sedap...laju je aku dengan Ej belasah. Kalau korang pi M&S...cuba la beli. Satanem.
Selamat Tahun Baru. Kalau pi ronggeng tengok Bunga api ke apa ke...jaga keselamatan anda dan keluarga anda. Have fun.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
There is always no boundary and no periphery for creativity. Sometimes I am so impress with those people who were born with gifted talent. They are so imaginative and artistic. I am the opposite. I don't know how to appreciate arts. Most of the times what I think nice other people think otherwise.
This is the X'mas tree at Jusco Setiawangsa. It was made from mineral bottles. There is a contest about this tree. Guess the number of bottles used to build this tree.

This is also taken from Jusco Setiawangsa. X'mas decoration from egg storage tray.

i saw THEM ...all the 4 of THEM after all these years...I just dont know what to refer to they are just THEM.
Honestly, all these while-- at times I do wonder how do they look like, how do they behave...are they anything like us.....
And I am glad that at last i manage to see first impression...they are good looking bunch of people and they look normal like us...what am i expecting , bunch of martians...i dont know???
From where I am seeing ...i have a feeling that they are nice people...
and they look like a team.....looking at THEM...somehow far inside me ticks that they have something that we are missing...
Frankly...i like to know THEM....after all we are supposed to be ONE. I always think it is so wrong to isolate THEM...they are innocent parties...but that is not something for me to decide...
No Grudge????? NEVER>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>why should i..???we are all being dragged into the mess unwillingly........
May Allah bless all of us...amin!
Chow Kit
Lagi satu Ej tanya aku apsal kat situ bangunan suma nama Rumah Tumpangan. Aku cakap itu nama melayu...nama hotel. Ada betul ke????
Pastu lalu kat Masjid Jamik Pakistan. Kena menapak jauh la sebab aku tak berani nak lalu kat lorong lorong. Masa suruh Ej ambik gambar ni pun dia cam pelik pelik je muka. Apakah?
Yang penting...dapat tayang baju Hong Kong. Beli kat Street Market.
Tiada Lagi Alasan
Sampaikan kawan aku pernah cakap dah 2 tahun dia dok dengar aku crite kat dia dah order benda ni kat kawan. Aku kan selalu balik PD macam leceh la takde Smart Tag ni. Sanggup guna lorong T&go je pastu menyumpah kalau toll kecik diorang combinekan T&Go dengan Cash. Sekarang tak payah dah nak dapat dosa kering tu...he he he.
Kelmarin macam biasa aku guna T&Go card pastu ada promotion jual benda ni kat tepi lorong Toll T&Go tu. Sib baik cukup duit terus aku beli. RM120. Haus haus. Gelak kat diri sendiri.
Aku malas nak lekatkan kat windscreen. Masa first time guna tu...tak boleh pulak. Kena Assistant kat Toll tu datang...dia check macam takde masalah. Dia try boleh lepas pulak..Rupanya aku pegang terbalik. Masih tak biasa maaa.
Kad T&Go pun aku jenis malas nak load aku guna Hong Leong punya Zing card auto reload. Tak payah nak pi ATM or Counter untuk reload T&Go tu. Sebab each time limit cecah RM50...Hong Leong auto reload untuk aku. Malas betul bab bab beratur ni.
Since dah ada Smart Tag ni...tetiba je bersemangat nak ronggeng celebration Ejin bulan 3 nanti...Apakah??? Kak Long...cepat suruh duan buat schedule dia tahun depan untuk bulan 3...kena book awal kang ada yang tidor dalam keta nanti.
Christmas BBQ - back to nature
Aloo alooo readers semua ..i am back. Sebelum nie sibuk yang amat, maklumlah aku cuti panjang fact still cuti nie! banyak kerja kena setel kat rumah and broadband plak buat hal. Lagipun malas nak update - sebab posting aku cam very the LAME kata omputih kalau menyelit kat tengah2 citer HK holidays abang ngah ....since dia dah abis posting HK, maka aku kuarkan lah citer Christmas aku ...hehehe ...
Kitorang balik kampung to our country retreat that lunchtime on Xmas day itself. Adik lelaki aku tu sampai Kuching kol9 on Xmas morning...after bukak2 hadiah, makan2 sket, terus zap zap zoom balik kampung. Kena pakai 2 kereta sebab anak2 dan cucu2 En. Garai semua diva2 belaka ...siap bawak tv, dvd players, 3 laptops, comforter set, bantal baru dan segala macam benda ...lagipun rumah kat kampung tu belum fully furnished (itu alasan kami)! Sampai sana terus set up BBQ - we invited a few of my cousins yang selalu jaga rumah and kebun my dad ...actually diorang yang set the bbq pun
and nie yang best coz most of the bbq punya peralatan is the one yang very mesra alam sekitar ...kami tak pakai skewer besi pun, just pakai ranting kayu untuk dijadikan skewers - see how the fishballs are bbq-ed??
buat BBQ pun kat blakang rumah, di bawah pokok sambil2 tu makan rambutan!
Al seems to have a lot of fun - berlari2 ke sana sini ...and very facinated with the fire! Biasala kan budak bandar - bila sampai kampung or back to nature mesti seronok sakan...lots of spaces for him to run, and tengok2 benda baru. Apart from the BBQ tu, al ngan daddy dia dok sibuk main remote control helicopter diorang ...that's is another posting nanti.All in all, a great Christmas BBQ - semua org enjoy!
Kitorang balik kampung to our country retreat that lunchtime on Xmas day itself. Adik lelaki aku tu sampai Kuching kol9 on Xmas morning...after bukak2 hadiah, makan2 sket, terus zap zap zoom balik kampung. Kena pakai 2 kereta sebab anak2 dan cucu2 En. Garai semua diva2 belaka ...siap bawak tv, dvd players, 3 laptops, comforter set, bantal baru dan segala macam benda ...lagipun rumah kat kampung tu belum fully furnished (itu alasan kami)! Sampai sana terus set up BBQ - we invited a few of my cousins yang selalu jaga rumah and kebun my dad ...actually diorang yang set the bbq pun
and nie yang best coz most of the bbq punya peralatan is the one yang very mesra alam sekitar ...kami tak pakai skewer besi pun, just pakai ranting kayu untuk dijadikan skewers - see how the fishballs are bbq-ed??
buat BBQ pun kat blakang rumah, di bawah pokok sambil2 tu makan rambutan!
Al seems to have a lot of fun - berlari2 ke sana sini ...and very facinated with the fire! Biasala kan budak bandar - bila sampai kampung or back to nature mesti seronok sakan...lots of spaces for him to run, and tengok2 benda baru. Apart from the BBQ tu, al ngan daddy dia dok sibuk main remote control helicopter diorang ...that's is another posting nanti.All in all, a great Christmas BBQ - semua org enjoy!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Disneyland Hong Kong & Hollywood Hotel
Penatnya nak memilih photo. Lenguh tangan. In this entry I will go through some of the attractions in the Disneyland park and few photos in the Disneyline MTR and Hollywood Hotel.
There is a small Animation Academy along the Main Street USA where you can see the cartoons character toys and learn how they actually make the cartoons movie. There is also "learn to draw" session but conducted in Cantonese.
Festival of the Lion King - Theather in the wild adventureland. Highly recommended. It was so entertaining. The singing, acting, dancing...all superb.

The Lion King.
Cinderella Carousel
Benda benda gini memang EJ suka layan.
3D cartoon show. The special effect meletops. This is A MUST to see.

If you like to see 3D movie, this is even better. Siap ada bau cake, percikan air dan angin kuat bersesuaian dengan jalan cerita.
Dumbo the Flying elephant. Bagi Ej 10 round pun dia boleh layan.
Tea cup ride. Laju giler.
Musical show guna tong sampah dan barangan terbuang
I don't like this one. Boring giler naik sampan pastu tengok patung patung...if you don't have time...skip this one.
Takat tengok patung patung tu je.
Masa naik tea cup ride tu perut dah berkeroncong. Pastu layan pulak It's a small world lepas tu. Rasa nak muntah perut dah masuk angin. Terus pi ke Bakery. Ej new favourite ialah Blueberry Danish yang fid pegang tu tapi Ej yang perabihkan.
Petang ada Light of Winter Show.
Cun Bangat.
If you use the Hologram, all the lights transformed into magically glowing effect. Sparkling and fantastic. Sayang sekali camera aku tak canggih nak capture pemandangan yang cun melecun tu.

Just for photo session.
I forgot the name of this place.
Naik rakit pi pulau kecik tu tengok umah tarzan. If you don't have enough time. Skip this one as well. Ba Ya Raw Nga...boring. Sendiri buat ejaan...kah kah

Naik boat pulak. Masa ni la Eat dok call aku. Masa ni jugak la aku sms dia balik cc Kak Long and Ejin...saje buat korang jeles...he he he. Ride ni towards the end je best ada fire effect. Yang lain Ba Ya Raw Nga jugak.
Masa Fire Effect tu..Ej takut...sebab api besar giler. Rasa macam nak terbakar boat ni.
Buzz Lightyear Astro Blaster. Another not to be MISSED. Seronok jadi budak budak layan tembak laser.

Kat sini, Space Mountain and Pooh adventure ada facility called FASTPASS. Ada few ticket machines, just slot in your park ticket and you will get your fastpass. Within the time stated on your fastpass ticket you can use shortcuts. So no need to que panjang giler biler peak season ni. Sementara nak tunggu time yang stated on your fastpass you can que for other rides.
Masa ni maskot tu nak blah dah. So dia panggil sume kanak kanak bergambar sekali harung.
Maskot ni nak blah tapi EJ dok nak main main dengan button tu lagi.
The Golden Mickeys. Another MUST TO SEE. Seronok bangat tengok diorang menari dan menyanyi. Mostly pelakon mat salleh.
Sangat sangat seronok.
The adventure of Winnie the Pooh. Boleh la...layannn.
Aku snap dari tv je. Kalau nak print out beli beratus ringgit sekeping. Masa naik Space Mountain lupa nak snap gambar kat TV tu.
Dapat tengok ulangan Parade on 2nd day. Masa tu baru je keluar dari Stitch Encounter show.
Konon konon perasan nak masuk umah sendiri.
Train. Pusing satu park. Train and the seat memang dah cun. Everyone sit facing the park. Tapi masa pusing pemandangan HAUS...mostly nampak pokok pokok je. Buang Masa. Ada lagi beberapa rides yang tak dapat nak ambik gambar. Mesti try nak cover semuakan. Bukan senang nak datang sini maaa. Tapi rasanya sehari tak cukup untuk cover sume.
Tempat wajib kan bergambar. Tema biru...tak di rancang...Masa ni dah nak balik dah. Muka memasing toya tak nak nak masuk balik park tu. Apakah??

Yang below ni photo selingan.
MTR for Disneyline ni...sangat cantik trainnya. Sume tingkap berbentuk muka Mickey. Design dalam train pun sangat cantik. Kami naik train ni pergi patah balik je...tak turun pun sebab nak ambik gambar je. Dah katanya pelancong...retard la kan. Layannn
Tempat pegang pun muka mickey
suka photo ni.
Ada banyak replika cartoon jadi perhiasan dalam train ni.Since orang tak ramai masa tu...berposing sakan la.
Below pulak photo masa kat hotel.
Pool bentuk Piano. It is a heated pool. Sebab tu walaupun winter, Ej dapat gak swim sejam. Tu pun jenuh nak ajak dia naik.

Hotelnya tak la besar mana pun. Kat hotel pun ada banyak activity yang hotel sediakan for guest especially untuk kids. Satu pun kami tak dapat join sebab most of the time kat Park.
Taman permainan pun kecik je.
Pantang nampak patung camni...mesti posing.
Cermin pun bentuk muka mickey

Konon konon kat LA.

Bergaya dengan keta antic
Xmas spirit
Masa ni dah start syahdu biler nampak coach dah tunggu depan hotel EJ siap tanya aku boleh tak suruh diorang balik...ambik kita esok. Sebenarnya dia tak puas stay kat Disney Hotel tu...tak puas mandi pool...tak puas makan blueberry danish and hot chocolate....tak puas tengok cartoon kat bilik hotel. Macam macam lagi ketidak puasan hatinya.
Masa kat airport sementara tunggu flight...layan latte dan Ej belasah 2 biji croissont. La ni asal nampak bakery je dia cari croissont.
Hotelnya tak la besar mana pun. Kat hotel pun ada banyak activity yang hotel sediakan for guest especially untuk kids. Satu pun kami tak dapat join sebab most of the time kat Park.

This is the end of our vacation to HK punya posting. Kita tunggu turn kak long pulak in 7 months time.
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