Baru ni dia ada a few new dvds on korean movies, so aku mintak pinjam tengok satu i.e.
A Moment to Remember.....

Cite romantic melodrama...about the heroine met the hero--fall in love---kahwin
--then during the first few years of the marriage, the heroine contracts alzhemeir--according to the "doctor" in the movie---the most recent memories will be erased first----thus she would first forget the hubby and their marriage before anything else...
This is when those scenes that gonna rip your heart came along....kite nangis sikit ajer saja suka suka layan LOL--entah ekkkk somehow tak berapa nak feeling pulek:)
---and the hubby stand by her all along--even when the wife actually called him by her old boyfriend's name --looked him in his eyes and said "i love u"...tragis...hubby nodded and cried...tragis ke tidak tu????
Penyakit dia ni macam kejap kejap ada lah moments (in the earlier stage) yg dia akan get back to her senses and remember all--- part ni yg kite sedih---dia tulis at that brief moment--about her feelings---dia apologised for not remembering the hubby--and confesed that she only loves him and nobody else---told him he is part of her so how can she ever not being with him or forget him when he is inside her---COMPLICATED nya -----LOL

So gitu lah....the actress memang gorgeous--style style flawless fair skinny 20ish girls---which being 30 sth, one can only dream in the wildest dream----kesian kite ..kah..kah..kah..--we had our moment kan and we move on----up up and away ...kah..kah..kah..
The actor---- yg ni masalah sikit ---he's considered good looking--manly--rough--kerja pun carpenter kan---tapi macam smell good kind of carpenter lah---rambut pun ala ala baru lepas syampoo jer-movie kan what do u expect :)
he keeps remind me of an accountant i know from that part of asia jugak--tapi brain aku ni dok pikir mandi ke tidak ni..????? kah..kah..kah....what a turn off!! LOL
Conclusion nya--- apa ekkkk----takut jugak lah kalau kite diuji dengan benda benda macam doa je lah mintak dijauhkan....