aloooo ....malas nya biler Monday kan ...rasa cam nak cepat2 ajer Wednesday ....apakah??? hahahaha ...hanya Fendu ajer yang faham ;-)
Last week was quite hectic for me ...dengan mid-term exam nya, ngan jumpa sv nya, ngan report nya ..segala macam pressure and tasks to be done ...tambah pulak dapat sad news from home ...maka dunia aku tak tentu hala sekejap ...and since dah fall kan...cuaca cepat gelap is gloomy and cold and last week memang ujan memanjang ..i was trying hard to stay positive sebenarnya ...memaksa diri untuk study for the exam ...memaksa diri gi opis ...sebab kalau kat rumah, aku garenti tido last fri by 3 tu otak aku memang dah tepu opismate dah cabut coz same ketepuan melanda ...aku tengok cuaca was nice (for one!) and terus decided nak gi tengok wayang ....baru nak balik ajer (it was 3.30pm) aku dapat sms from Kak Shidah ..tanya apa plan aku that night and for saturday ...aku kata takde plan lagi...and i was bored ...and she said, why dont you come over to my place, stay the night and the three of us (inc Anita J) will go to Otaki for lunch at a friend's place and i will send you home after that...aku pun yes, please ....hahaha nampak sangat kebosanan kan ...tanpa fikir panjang terus on ajer decided jumpa at 6pm that day kat kampus Kak Shidah ...dia bukan kat Kelburn campus ..but at Pipitea Campus ....about 30mins walk from my place ...aku balik rumah ...packed baju tido and baju for the next day ..lepak sat, tulis note for my flatmates and chow ....
meet Kak Shidah and Anita J (nie bukan Anita my ex-flatmate tu ..but a Sarawakian PhD student kat sini) kat bus station ...and off we go to Khandallah ...Khandallah nie is actually a suburb kat Welly ..kalau tak silap, maksud Khandallah nie is "Resting place of god" ... sampai sana terus menuju supermarket ...beli stock makanan ...that that indicates what sort of weekend it is going to be kan ....
muka kekenyangan masa tengok tv ...blanket tu comfy tu ...colour pun cantek :-)
sampai2 tu Kak Shidah masak ...aku ngan Anita was in awe of the house lol maklumlah aku nie dok rumah kontena aku tu kan ...bilik ciput lak tu lol ...sementara waiting for dinner, we had nibbles ...crisps with aioli dip ...macam2 keropok ...etc ...sambil berborak is different lah from my usual weekend ;-) and it is fun ...
dessert malam tu ..peach with vanilla ice cream
pas abis dinner, kami bertiga sambung tengok tv pulak ...tengok the Voice NZ ...was really good actually ....and the judges are more "humane" bak kata kak shidah ...judges nya are Delta Goodrem, Seal, Ricky Martin and Joel from Good Charlotte ..but the talents were amazing ...sambil tengok tv tu sambil makan makan lagi ..ngan teh bagai hahaha ....tido lambat lah malam tu ..banyak berborak was a great night..suka lah dapat sembang2 ..and away from my usual environment ...
ini lah Kak Shidah ..dia merupakan salah sorang Malaysian yang aku jumpa the second day aku sampai Welly ...and kebetulan senegeri dengan ku :-) and we happens to know the same people back home ...
the next morning tu aku bangun2 tengok both of them dah di dapur fact kak shidah dah buat bingka ubi kayu (was already in the oven!) and her chicken curry was bubbling away on the stove ..semua untuk dibawa ke get-together tu...akak baru make an appearance ...sungguh takleh dibuat menantu ...that morning I made a new discovery! masa having breakfast I discover jam yang sedap meletops ok ....passionfruit curds sangat sedap for bread and toast ...and now, I have a jar in my own fridge new must haves in the fridge ...
passionfruit curd $4.30 kat Countdown ...hehehe am sure New Worlds pun ada ...
Pas breakfast, we went siap2 nak ke Otaki ...sempat gi tengok garage sales at rumah jiran sebelah jugak tu before kuar rumah was raining kelabu ajer lah gambar ...we went out at 10 something menuju ke Otaki ...we are invited for lunch gathering kat sana a really nice Malaysian gentleman that will go into another posting lah ...on the way ke sana, kami sempat lagi singah kat Penray farm ..kat sini tempat org selalu gi petik buah2an and cili etc etc ..kami stop membeli ajer ..coz nak petik camne ..hari ujan!!! Lagipun it was nearly time for us untuk sampai rumah host kami tu ...the get-together tu sangat meriah ..i get to know fellow malaysians lah ..and also had an over-dose of Malaysian food ...yang tu nanti cerita masuk posting lain ...
petang tu otw back to the City from Otaki, Kak Sidah told us that dia dah kuarkan lamb kat rumah to defrost so she is not sending us back ...dia kata bermalam semalam lagi hahaha di kata baju semua masuk jer dalam washing machine and dryer so takde alasan takde baju bersih...last minute change of plan ....plan asal nak tgk wayang and go back ...cancel and change plan kol 6 sampai Khandallah ...and we started making dinner ...padahal kata kenyang yang amat masa lunch kat Otaki ...hahahaha .. rezeki jgn ditolak ;-)
lamb chop ...dimakan with roasted carrots, potatoes, kumara and parsnip ..sedap mantap bak kata Fendu ...sebab aku yang tak makan lamb, boleh abiskan my huge portion ...
abis dinner, kak shidah buat apple crumble pulak ...sedap ...makan with vanilla ice cream
as usual sambil makan makan ...sembang sembang ..topik melompat ke sana ke sini ...but i had a good time...and I am sure the other two feel the same ...then sambung lagi borak2 depan tv ...semua tergolek kekenyangan ...tengok tv tu sampai kol 2 pagi ok ...hahaha pastu menggagau masing2 masuk bilik tido ...sebab kata nak gi balik pagi ....
sekali pagi nya ujan ...and aku kol 8 baru bangun ....we had a lazy morning ...aku masuk2 dapur jer Kak Shidah hand over pancake making duty to me hahaha dia kata you take over flipping the pancake bidan terjun le akak yea ...
muka cuak lol ..and please excuse the hair ...baru abis mandi and tak sempat nak siap2 elok lagi ok ...the pancake was yummy ...semua ya dah disediakan oleh Kak Shidah ..aku flip kan ajer lol ...and she also made caramelised bananas to go with the pancake ...

abis breakfast pulak sambung lagi sembang hahaha ..kali nie dok kat kitchen ngadap bay window and just look at the view ...and guess what, we all sambung makan hahaha ...mula2 makan crisps jer ..then mula lah kuarkan bingka ubi kayu ...leftover crumble ..aioli dip ..teh panas ...and we just sat there having a lazy sunday ...ari pulak ujan memag malas nak bangun dah ..kata nak balik pagi kan, takde makna nyer ..seda2 dah kol 1 kak shidah told us we are having lunch before kuar hahaha I cooked nasi goreng and dia buat sambal sardin ...simple but delicious the perut aku memang ketat weiii ....setel makan, kemas dapur baru masing2 siap2 nak kuar ...itu pun aku sempat lagi ambik rosemary, bunga2an untuk dibawak balik ...hehehe rumah nie semua ada ...tanam sendiri their own salad..lectucce ...potatoes ..rhubarb ...silverbeet ...lemon ...herbs ...semua ada ....
our "picnic" by the bay window
and masa hantar kami balik tu, sempat menyinggah kat Countdown - supermarket that I can buy my groceries ..and since Kak Shidah drive kan, dia kata i should buy banyak sket ...hehehe so i stock up on beras, pasta, juice etc ...pastu satu hal sampai rumah ...macam2 benda aku bawak balik lol ...dorang antar aku dulu sebelum antar anita ambik baju ke rumah dia ..she is staying on with Kak Shidah as her flatmates semua flu ..kat sini flu is not a minor thing ...kalau kena tu teruk weiii ...anyway I ended up sampai rumah at 6pm on a Sunday evening ...two nights away from the flat ...two nights with great companies ...great food (or should I say an overdose of great food)..and having a fun time ...thank you Kak Shidah and Anita for the fun-filled weekend ...(kalau korang jumpa and baca blog ini hehehe) ..kalau dijemput untuk repeat lagi tu, i will definitely be available ;-)