Hi gd morning...duan is away at Sedenak..and i am havg this lazy morning..tadi adib kata kena hantar Along merentas desa pastu senyap aje so i still lazy2..jab lagi cari bfast. Oh yeah my aunty anom or ci anom as i call her is here to help me out..alhamdulillah already one week so insyallah next week i am going to d office..know what d first n 2nd day here cianom demam sgt kesian dia melepek..bawa gi clinic bagai then she is ok on d 3rd day..i told duan we called her for help like what we did 10 years ago thinkg that she is still 40ish lupa yg she is now 54 and we are those yg 40ish...kennnnn...god bless us all!
Ok i scrolled my gallery tadi ni byk gambar2 so i just share here lah to claim my existence n my title as co writer for this blog....he..he..
i cant remember exact date when this took place but it has to be sometime late feb kot...we have been travellg quie a bit sebab bowlg tournament and during that time bibik was still around so Aariz most of d time tinggal...so u see...Allah's plan is just perfect..He wants us to spend more time w Aariz..aku kan malas nak mengurus itu punca nya...guilty sgt dgn mat senonet aku tu...one of d reasons i said i dont really care lah bibik nak lari..u tak sumpah seranah dia...sebab i am able to see d benefits n d blessings dlm aturan ini...yg susah cuma nak gi kerja..but i can work anywhere w internet so Alhamdulillah..cuma company local policy may have problem w home based workg..small matter blh diselesaikan insyallah..

mukadimah aku pjg berjela aku nak cite we were in Melaka..ha..ha..for bowling tournament...stayed at Bayou Resort...yg fendu complain senandong tu..kita pegi dulu..kaedah dia tgk gambar tu yg dia gi jugak kot tapi dia kan kaki waterpark so tak match his standard. ..tapi bro ticket 20hinggit je ..kalau nak canggih ala ala legoland waterpark beratus pulok..we chose Bayou because it is so near to melaka bowling centre..called Mard..she said ya dekat so pilih tu lah...freepulak wpark ticket 2 utk one nite so we stayed 2 nites got 4 and just bought one more...save gitu...heee...we are accountants by qualification kan...layan..
then makan..of course asam pedas hajah rahmah ke??? Suka tempat tu ada air tebu..d best lah..asam pedas ok ..tapi byk kan kat melaka...sotu dgn air tebu fresh ..then segala gorengan..pisang..tempe ..segala tok nenek..tapo gambar tak de sorry ler..
then kita singgah hard rock cafe..Allah..memusing cari walhal dekat jonker je pun...punyalah...gps kita agak sewel...tapi jumpa letak kete lebih kurang kena saman.erggghhh parkg problem lah melaka ni...
..makan best lah...k3nyang lagi mengenyangi...
Bowlg tournament result...Angah miss 2 places utk ke 2nd round.. sayang sgt ..he palyed so well..Adib habis kelaut main nya...entah lah apa jadi dgn dia...teruk sgt...dia miss traing byk sgt kot...Along...tak ingat lah pulak..rasa ok jugak dia main...Afi actually dah tak training sebab spm..sikit2 lah dgn duan dia training...
so itu aje lah...cianom panggil bfast..ingat nak gi beli nasi dagang kat dia...chiao