Wednesday, August 13, 2008

chapter 5-6 lah-aimran, imran,afi and anissa

i am not sure whether this was taken on saturday nite or sunday morning... what the heck..the main thing to observe is the joy in their face... you see they can just click in a second..true enough , children have the purest soul...all they are after for are fun, toys, chocolates, candies, laughter...and of course some tantrums when umi/mummy is around...he..he..he..adding some spice in life...baru santanem....


fendifid said...

apsal yang the red shirt tu monyok je tu?

Liz Duan said...

dia mengantuk ...that is the only picture that i have taruk, saje lah....

Eat said...

Monyok sbb kena stop main game.. kan umi dia dah conquer bilik game tu!