Thursday, May 20, 2010

Glee - The Madonna week

I dont really watch Glee actually...on and off...kalau ada tengok but not something i follow consistently...watched only a few episodes from season 1 towards the end. I think the show , the cast and the music is fun..(tinggal geram tengok rachel kalau nyanyi penuh perasaan -besar mulut)....frankly, the only drawback to certain extend lah...the show made me feel old at 30 sth--because i am able to sing along with the songs which i can hardly do these days if we are to watch programme like Digi top 20 as an example....!!!

As for season 2 , there were only 2 episodes aired so far and i watched both...

In Philippines, their cable tv or something is advanced by a few weeks than our Astro, so i was being informed by a friend to watch out for the Madonna week in season 2. Thus, yesterday show the 2nd episode was an awaited one and it was worth the watch....

Sue was so right about Madonna's influence back then....her influence was prominent,was an idol to many definitely! My first album of hers was a cassette for True Blue which I took from my aunt ---Thank you Aunty Shida!

God forgives me.... but madonna was also my idol of sort during my teen ages. Whenever we had our girl guides party or dorm's party, would try my best to dress like her, the skirt, the hanging top and bandanna. I remember there was this one senior sister --cant recall her name--who i really admired cause she never failed to dress exactly like her, to every details...including the jumping high and low......

In fact, when i was in junior high , i was so crazy about madonna , i even made a pact that i have to go overseas to be madonna and finding my john...have no idea where is that john came from ---the one who knew this secret of mine is my dear best friend, Kay and all of you now :)....masa i was overseas, my high school best friend suka tanya dah jadi madonna ke crazy ideas!---but i found my john i.e. LONG JOHN!'s a must wear... kan sejuk:)

Right after Glee yesterday, i digged my old cd album and took out my Immaculate Collection and Something To Remember......for the next few weeks, there will be no Hots FM or RED FM but only Madonna whom will accompany my journey back and forth to office......................
.come on gals , do you believe in love?
Cause i got something to say about it and it goes something like this............


@xiM said...

they said madonna is an Icon..:)

what say you?

Liz Duan said...

At 30 sth Axim? Definitely NO!!! I was blessed for not being carried away :) look for other idol or icon -never choose a rock star or artists--we want sth real and BIG!

fendifid said...

Liz punya mission terbantut lepas dah jumpa Abang Duan as her John. I used to have the immaculate collection cd tapi dah hilang ntah di ambil orang tanpa kesedaran.
Madonna is an icon in Music...takat tu je ok.

Liz Duan said...

yuppp u're right fend...icon in music...dengar balik immaculate suara dia macam cute2 and kelakor pulek :)

Mard said...

some of her songs are indeed great.

and i don't watch glee or any musical drama/film... somehow i just tak minat if dalam cerita dia selit songs. terbantut tumpuan je... even if tgk crite p.ramlee, usually bab nyanyi2 tu, aku tukar channel lain...