A journey of friendship, our hope and despairs, our love for food and travel, our fantasy & reality
Monday, October 31, 2011
Smart Readers Concert & Grad 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad & Tun Siti Hasmah
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Feeling Feeling London

Friday, October 28, 2011
Feeling feeling Kuantan
gambar tak lengkap ....
Gambar once upon a time kat Cardiff ...masa pergi nie, si Fendu takde pulak ....always tak complete tau ..masa gi Newcastle, si Ita takde ...masa ke Liverpool, aku plak yang tak ada ......so faham2 jer lah ...tak pernah lengkap ...kecuali yang ini jeng jeng jeng .....
jadi aku nak ingat kan semua org, next time jumpa ramai ramai WE MUST TAKE A PHOTO SAMA SAMA MASA SEMUA ORANG ADA NANTI .....
Tapi nak selit gak gambar aku ngan liz yang nie ...satu2 nya yang ada kat PC ...the rest ada kat lappy :-)
New fave spot in Kuantan
I cant really recall what we had during our very first visit..perhaps something from the western choices...well, the name is Black Canyon...we must have missed the Coffee that came after that..
One fine day recently , last month or maybe early this month, we had lunch there after tremendous attempts from Duan to bring us there. He assured us that the place is not bad at all, as he have had a few visits with his colleagues or friends. So we did that one fine day....and yes, the place is ok...sedap!
Then we had our second visit on Deepavali day and had these .
My favourite...kuey teow ladna...nama biasanya lah...kat BCC it is called flat noodles with gravy ke something lah...tengok gambar lah kat menu tu senang cite. Ni Duan's favourite....dia mmg suka sgt kerabu so-on...
Prawn tomyam....suka jugekkkk....sedap cangat...hingga menjilat kuku jari
fettucuni entah apa ekk???? tak berapa nak sedap lah ni
Salmon salad
The Thai cuisine is awesome here...
Manalah nak tahu Black Canyon tu relates to Thailand , kan? Nama kedai dah ala ala pandang ke barat gaya Fend..........
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Lama tak Meronggeng.