Aku kan jenis tak betah duduk umah...mesti nak jalan jalan...LOL. Penyakit keturunan katanya. Layannnn. Morning aku ke pasar beli stock barang basah and Fid siang siang siap semua. Pastu mata mengantuk tapi aku tak biasa tidur siang so terkebil kebil la mata menahan mengantuk. Zara je yang tidur. Ej cam biasa la melayan TV. Petang lepas mandikan Zara...decided nak ke Pavilion...ronda ronda sambil dinner kat situ. Mulanya ingat nak ke Jeram layan seafood tapi Zamreen dan Nuarlin tak free. Lain kali aje plan. Ej lak sibuk nak tengok movie...tapi Zara tak pandai lagi nak duduk diam dalam panggung tu.
Sweetkan gambar ni. I hope both of them akan rapat and take care each other sampai biler biler. Lepas ada husband pun hopefully Zara and Ej will dengar each other nasihat menasihati and help each other.
Wawa Latiff and Zara K Pop...LOL.
Ada macam adik beradik tak? Tempat posing ni kan kat depan Menara Keck Seng..office Lin Nuar.
Zara ada gaya K pop tak...tunduk bongkok sikit. LOL. Tahun depan start gi casting..untuk iklan katik ha ha ha...Zara rendah la orangnya.
Pasangan remaja...daddy imej rock pulak...tak K pop hari ni. Yang penting...slim. Tak dapat nak merayau sangat sebab hari cam gerimis. Cepat cepat masuk balik Pavilion. Terus g lower groung floor untuk makan.
Nak layan tenpanyaki cam leceh lak sebab Zara tak leh nak sit kat situ...semua kerusi jenis tinggi. Layan Pepper and Lunch aje.
Masa ni Zara tak sabar nak makan. yang kami pulak sibuk nak masak daging tu...sementara plate tu hot. Tak sabar sabar Zara ni. Lepas makan kami balik...sebab esoknya kan kerja...Lagi pun Fid nak masak ketam untuk ayah dia.
A journey of friendship, our hope and despairs, our love for food and travel, our fantasy & reality
Sunday, September 30, 2012
LizDuan's Jalan Jalan Cari Barang
Back to my that very short trip to KL during Hari Malaysia...that was also the weekend after UPSR...read here to know how stressful i was during UPSR Angah and UPSR -- dalam pada i was "kutuking" some friends who took 3 days off just to support their kids...end up aku pun sama trauma ha..ha..ha..Jadi wajib lah cari sekutil masa to de stress and what else is the best way if not shopping...
So before lunch at Fendi's , we went to Pavillion..got to get myself a parfume and a wristlet for my Note. The Coach wristlet bought from Fend and a kembar to Ejin's , is already way too small for my Note...dah lama simpan aje....I have been thinking to revert to Mademoiselle - had skipped that for a year....so staright to Chanel counter at Parkson....frankly Parkson is the best place to get parfume and cosmetics..esp during sales and bonuslink--last friday or last week of the month...mmg berbaloi coz you got extra points on bonuslinks and cash vouchers. Pulak akak ni to certain extent is a freebies hunter, jadi i have checked other places and only parkson provides best package...So happened Chanel just launched a new parfume Coco Noir and that is what i grabbed....and know what i got a free cosmetic pouch which has enough space for my note and more--and that save my purse from further spending on a new wristlet...berhemah kan?
This Coco Noir...has the basic smell of Chanel like the Mademoiselle but deep sikit,,,love it.
Also bought new shoes... the red one at the far left...all the shoes (except the black open toe--awal sebulan) on top are newly bought during the raya season..i actually wore the 3-4 inches open toe to the day before and to the Pavillion...well there were days that i like to challenge myself for beauty ha..ha..ha..yeah yeah i am one of the fashion victims..thank you very much.....and that is how the slightly lowered red with ribbon everbest came about...ha..ha..ha..rasa nak cabut jalan kaki ayam..ha..ha..ha..
Finally....latest addiction. ..internet shopping...hoo..ho..hoo... a white Coach...full leather...simple but I think very chic...my top is CK and the jeans is Levis...tudung is another internet..Zahra if I am not mistaken.
ok tomorrow is monday...this weekend ended so fast...phewwwwwww....good nite everybody and have a good rest tonite,...
So before lunch at Fendi's , we went to Pavillion..got to get myself a parfume and a wristlet for my Note. The Coach wristlet bought from Fend and a kembar to Ejin's , is already way too small for my Note...dah lama simpan aje....I have been thinking to revert to Mademoiselle - had skipped that for a year....so staright to Chanel counter at Parkson....frankly Parkson is the best place to get parfume and cosmetics..esp during sales and bonuslink--last friday or last week of the month...mmg berbaloi coz you got extra points on bonuslinks and cash vouchers. Pulak akak ni to certain extent is a freebies hunter, jadi i have checked other places and only parkson provides best package...So happened Chanel just launched a new parfume Coco Noir and that is what i grabbed....and know what i got a free cosmetic pouch which has enough space for my note and more--and that save my purse from further spending on a new wristlet...berhemah kan?
This Coco Noir...has the basic smell of Chanel like the Mademoiselle but deep sikit,,,love it.
Also bought new shoes... the red one at the far left...all the shoes (except the black open toe--awal sebulan) on top are newly bought during the raya season..i actually wore the 3-4 inches open toe to the day before and to the Pavillion...well there were days that i like to challenge myself for beauty ha..ha..ha..yeah yeah i am one of the fashion victims..thank you very much.....and that is how the slightly lowered red with ribbon everbest came about...ha..ha..ha..rasa nak cabut jalan kaki ayam..ha..ha..ha..
Finally....latest addiction. ..internet shopping...hoo..ho..hoo... a white Coach...full leather...simple but I think very chic...my top is CK and the jeans is Levis...tudung is another internet..Zahra if I am not mistaken.
ok tomorrow is monday...this weekend ended so fast...phewwwwwww....good nite everybody and have a good rest tonite,...
Birthday Hafiy...anak Zamreen.
Semalam pagi before g buffet High Tea, Fid ada whattaps Lin and Reen tanya plan for ronggeng or outing. Dia lupa la tu yang Reen busy buat preparation for Hafiy's Birthday. Masa fid dok busy kemas rumah aku sambung mesg Whataspp konon tak tahu pasal birthday Hafiy and kami dah otw ke Melaka. Siap kata Zam tak cakap pun kat aku masa borak borak...padahal aku borak dengan Zam seminggu lepas.
Saje je nak Reen found out sendiri aku tipu...selepas aku check in kat Sunway Putra instead of hotel Waterfront Melaka. Tapi Zam tak tahu lagi siap call aku tanya tak dapat ke mesg dia pasal Birthday party...aku lak buat buat kat Melaka overnite semua. Kah kah kah. Sampai ke sudah Zam ingat aku betul betul kat Melaka.
Hafiy the Spider boy...tak dan orang nak nyanyi dia dah sibuk nak tiup lilin.
Adam jadi Batboy. Alif je yang rasa dah remaja tak nak pakai costume superhero ni.
Time potong cake...spider boy tak nak bantuan...dia kata dia pandai buat sendiri.
The COCO. Dah lama gambar diorang tak di tepek kat blog ni. Asal jumpa je takde snap photo...susah la sikit nak blog. Ambik guna BB...blur sesadong. Camera besar sangat. Tu yang Haus selali.
Fid layan makan dengan tenang sebab Zara sibuk kehulu kehilir beramah mesra dengan tetamu lain. Ada gaya jadi ahli politik..sibuk semua orang dia nak tegur.
Ni je group photo yang dapat di snap...the kids sibuk main. Zam busy layan tetamu. Photo pasangan Love Bird pun exclusive sekarang...susah kan main nak ada untuk di tepek kat blog ni. Tunggu gambar percutian ke Bali la..nanti boleh tepek kat sini. Ehem ehem...ambik semangat Zara ke...nak ke Bali ...zamreen oi? cer citer citer. No 4? Ke 4 & 5 sekaligus? Tungguuuu.
Saje je nak Reen found out sendiri aku tipu...selepas aku check in kat Sunway Putra instead of hotel Waterfront Melaka. Tapi Zam tak tahu lagi siap call aku tanya tak dapat ke mesg dia pasal Birthday party...aku lak buat buat kat Melaka overnite semua. Kah kah kah. Sampai ke sudah Zam ingat aku betul betul kat Melaka.
Hafiy the Spider boy...tak dan orang nak nyanyi dia dah sibuk nak tiup lilin.
Adam jadi Batboy. Alif je yang rasa dah remaja tak nak pakai costume superhero ni.
Time potong cake...spider boy tak nak bantuan...dia kata dia pandai buat sendiri.
The COCO. Dah lama gambar diorang tak di tepek kat blog ni. Asal jumpa je takde snap photo...susah la sikit nak blog. Ambik guna BB...blur sesadong. Camera besar sangat. Tu yang Haus selali.
Fid layan makan dengan tenang sebab Zara sibuk kehulu kehilir beramah mesra dengan tetamu lain. Ada gaya jadi ahli politik..sibuk semua orang dia nak tegur.
Ni je group photo yang dapat di snap...the kids sibuk main. Zam busy layan tetamu. Photo pasangan Love Bird pun exclusive sekarang...susah kan main nak ada untuk di tepek kat blog ni. Tunggu gambar percutian ke Bali la..nanti boleh tepek kat sini. Ehem ehem...ambik semangat Zara ke...nak ke Bali ...zamreen oi? cer citer citer. No 4? Ke 4 & 5 sekaligus? Tungguuuu.
Buffet Lunch kat Sunway Putra Hotel
Ni cerita pasal Anniversary Celebration lunch yang official punya. As if orang kisah la kan official ke tak kan...kah kah kah. Long time back masa Matta fair yang entah biler dulu Fid ada kirim kat kengkawan dia untuk belikan voucher high tea kat Hotel Sunway Putra used to be known as Legend Hotel. Dok asyik tertunda tunda...baru tadi plan menjadi kenyataan. Bersemangat semua orang left house at 11 something and reached the hotel at 12 noon. Sekali masa nak ambik seat, we were told high tea start at 1pm. Ej yang songel dah nyanyi nyanyi kata lapar. Sibuk ajak g cari something to eat. Ngades dia ni tau...masa kat rumah sibuk mengadap tv..tak heran nak makan pun...sebab tu dia lapar padahal orang lain relax je.
We went to The Mall kat sebelah hotel tu and had this cinnabon. Dah lama dah tak makan. Outlet yang kat KLCC dah lama tutup. Pastu tak tahu kat mana lagi ada outlet ni. Kisahnya kat The Mall ni ada. Tapi flavour apple takde...yang original cam ni and coklat aje yang ada.
Ej la yang banyak makan cinnabon ni dah dia yang lapar katanya.
Kol 1pm we walked to the Hotel balik untuk ambik seat. Dapat yang hujung macam ni bagus bagus...takde gangguan. Ada ramai budak sekolah came for the high tea. Pengawas from Sekolah Hussein Onn katanya. Sementara Fid and Ej makan aku bawak Zara jalan jalan kat lobby and the school kids tengah posing posing. Sekali ada this 1 boy came to me..."Pak Cik...boleh pinjam anak pak cik tak...kami nak bergambar".
Aku yang vogue habis pakai baju K pop dia panggil Pak Cik...apakah? Zara tak nak orang yang dia tak kenal pegang dia...so tak dapek la "Pak Cik" nak tolong.
Zara ni macam jinak jinak merpati...bila pengawas pengawas tu jauh dia lambai lambai...senyum dengan orang...biler dekat dia lari datang kat aku suruh peluk dukung dia. Entah camne...ada pulak budak pompuan yang nama dia Tasha...biler datang dekat...Zara salam dia. Kan main seronok lagi budak tu. Pastu datang sorang lagi kawan dia...Zara siap kiss dia kat pipi. Apa lagi...kecoh la kejap kat lobby tu...tetiba aku feeling feeling jadi ND Lala...biler anak dia Shila menang contest nyanyi Asian Wave baru ni...kah kah kah...perasan tak leh bla...ha ha ha. Lepas Zara dah penat lari lari kat lobby tu aku bawak dia masuk ke coffee house...aku dah lapar...tapi cam biasa...serbu meja dessert dulu.
My all time favourite...bread pudding...and cakes. Mostly cakes kat sini sedap sedap macam cakes masa charity competition kat GE mall tu ...esp tiramisu...7 layered cake dll. Tapi red velvet cakenya...category hampas tak hingat punya...tak sedap langsung.
Mixed grill ni semua mantap sedap meletops...ada dory and salmon lasagne yang terbaekk.
Fid makan dulu sementara aku layan Zara. Sebelum ni Fid ada datang dengan kengkawan dia...masa tu dia kata food tak berapa menarik...this time semua sedap mantap. Excellent.
Ej layan roasted chicken and seafood porridge. Pastu leka layan FB.
Ada dim sum...yong tau foo dan banyak local food.
Zara yang biler bosan duduk kat baby chair...main kat sofa lak
Letihnya nak layan si kenit ni sejak dah boleh berlari ni.
ABC ni buat sendiri..letak la apa nko nak...makan sampai lebam
"Pak Cik" Vogue....dengan imej K Pop...kah kah kah.
Pasangan remaja dan adik comel. Next year nak beli lagi la voucher High Tea kat matta fair...sekali sekala makan buffet best jugak.
We went to The Mall kat sebelah hotel tu and had this cinnabon. Dah lama dah tak makan. Outlet yang kat KLCC dah lama tutup. Pastu tak tahu kat mana lagi ada outlet ni. Kisahnya kat The Mall ni ada. Tapi flavour apple takde...yang original cam ni and coklat aje yang ada.
Ej la yang banyak makan cinnabon ni dah dia yang lapar katanya.
Kol 1pm we walked to the Hotel balik untuk ambik seat. Dapat yang hujung macam ni bagus bagus...takde gangguan. Ada ramai budak sekolah came for the high tea. Pengawas from Sekolah Hussein Onn katanya. Sementara Fid and Ej makan aku bawak Zara jalan jalan kat lobby and the school kids tengah posing posing. Sekali ada this 1 boy came to me..."Pak Cik...boleh pinjam anak pak cik tak...kami nak bergambar".
Aku yang vogue habis pakai baju K pop dia panggil Pak Cik...apakah? Zara tak nak orang yang dia tak kenal pegang dia...so tak dapek la "Pak Cik" nak tolong.
Zara ni macam jinak jinak merpati...bila pengawas pengawas tu jauh dia lambai lambai...senyum dengan orang...biler dekat dia lari datang kat aku suruh peluk dukung dia. Entah camne...ada pulak budak pompuan yang nama dia Tasha...biler datang dekat...Zara salam dia. Kan main seronok lagi budak tu. Pastu datang sorang lagi kawan dia...Zara siap kiss dia kat pipi. Apa lagi...kecoh la kejap kat lobby tu...tetiba aku feeling feeling jadi ND Lala...biler anak dia Shila menang contest nyanyi Asian Wave baru ni...kah kah kah...perasan tak leh bla...ha ha ha. Lepas Zara dah penat lari lari kat lobby tu aku bawak dia masuk ke coffee house...aku dah lapar...tapi cam biasa...serbu meja dessert dulu.
My all time favourite...bread pudding...and cakes. Mostly cakes kat sini sedap sedap macam cakes masa charity competition kat GE mall tu ...esp tiramisu...7 layered cake dll. Tapi red velvet cakenya...category hampas tak hingat punya...tak sedap langsung.
Mixed grill ni semua mantap sedap meletops...ada dory and salmon lasagne yang terbaekk.
Fid makan dulu sementara aku layan Zara. Sebelum ni Fid ada datang dengan kengkawan dia...masa tu dia kata food tak berapa menarik...this time semua sedap mantap. Excellent.
Ej layan roasted chicken and seafood porridge. Pastu leka layan FB.
Ada dim sum...yong tau foo dan banyak local food.
Zara yang biler bosan duduk kat baby chair...main kat sofa lak
Letihnya nak layan si kenit ni sejak dah boleh berlari ni.
ABC ni buat sendiri..letak la apa nko nak...makan sampai lebam
"Pak Cik" Vogue....dengan imej K Pop...kah kah kah.
Pasangan remaja dan adik comel. Next year nak beli lagi la voucher High Tea kat matta fair...sekali sekala makan buffet best jugak.
Friday, September 28, 2012
1 Malaysia day break in KL --Part 2
Part 2 coming right up seawal minit pertama...We only went down to KL for one nite stay,got to cut short teh trip because PMR is round the corner, as at now at this point , it is just a week away...takutssss.
Day 1 was with my family at darling's place then second day, menutup tirai Syawal 2012, we went to Cik Pendi's ..or Teratak The Saint's.
So back to the Saint's family....aku actually terbongkak near to the sofa...penat noh kunun, we were in Pavillion that morning..sempat kan ?? ha...ha..ha..taks erik serik kan?
Kanak kanak riang ni berjumpa lagi...teman tapi tak mesra langsung ha..ha..ha..Aariz kan couldnt be bothered with people... Tasha sangat mesra alam..macam macam reactions nya...nanti lagi sekali lagi jumpa insyallah abg Aariz boleh layan Tasha...tapi abg Aariz mmg spesis serious..ha..ha..ha..
To Fendi Fid...thanks for the hospitality and the food of course...adios...
Day 1 was with my family at darling's place then second day, menutup tirai Syawal 2012, we went to Cik Pendi's ..or Teratak The Saint's.
Mission utama selain nak tengok muka Fendi tu ha..ha..ha..was to taste the ever famous and the most talked about between Ejin n Fendu..that is the Pavlova with that keras thingy underneath merique...do i spell it right?...Tima kasih for taking teh trouble to preapare us this...sedap aje tapi kalau suka kuih pisang tu tak pe jugak kan???? ha..ha..ha..redha je lah :)
Penuh meja...gembira kita makan...by the way my top is Massimo Dutti and the tudung again from online shopping....so addicted lah :)
Fid, was so busy in the kitchen.....tak sempat tangkap gambar...maklum lah bibik dah menghilang kan diri...when it comes to bibik, mmg nasib aje..I had one lari, ikut laki despite the fact she has one in Indon and was not yet cerai back then..She fled during Ramadhan kalau tak silap..but I was still syukur cause she left when we were all at home-- and she even left behind a 50ringgit note I gave her to buy something...
she left leaving anote to say her sorry!
Duan met her once at a restaurant, but we didnt bother to take her back nor reported her to the police...malas nak panjang cite...i was just syukur dia tak tinggal budak2 buta buta, and she was a good bibik before knowing whoever the guy she ran away with..so gitu aje lah tak de rezeki...
Then there was another bibik who stayed for less than 6 months and was caught red handed mencuri...that girl was sent back to the agent...Others are all ok insyallah...but still mmg kena berhati hati with bibik.
So back to the Saint's family....aku actually terbongkak near to the sofa...penat noh kunun, we were in Pavillion that morning..sempat kan ?? ha...ha..ha..taks erik serik kan?
To Fendi Fid...thanks for the hospitality and the food of course...adios...
budak kedekut
last week punya story mory ....aku kan suka bawak my parents keluar ujung minggu ...sebab masa nie lah dorang free and tak jaga budak ...biarlah ujung minggu the kids ngan parents dorang ...aku bangun memang lambat ...sebab the night before tu dok baca novel Red Mist by Patricia Cornwell ....best buku tu sampai tak nak lepaskan ...so end up tido at 4am ....bagun2 tu dah 9am ...turun bawah tanya my parents nak kuar ke idak ,...my dad kata kalau i dah sihat kuar lah (coz minggu lepas aku tak sihat) ...dia nak gi jalan2 gi pasar tani kata nya ...my mum plak nak breakfast ..so aku ok jer ...
tetiba Al plak sibuk ....dia nak mandi sebab dia kata nak ikut nenek and aki keluar ...hahaha ingatkan kalau kid-free kami nak gi jauh lah ...tapi kesian plak budak tu nak ikut ...aku kata tanya aki and nenek whether dorang nak bawak or tak, laju dia turun mintak permission ...aki said ok if dia mandi cepat ...so, siap semua, keluar lah kami berempat ...gi pasar tani ...my dad cari petai, bunga kantan and lauk2 fav dia ...aku ngan Al tunggu kat tempat orang jual buah2an and bunga ajer ...tak lalu nak masuk ke kawasan ikan or ayam :-)
pas buat a few errands for aki and nenek, we went to OldTown ...mak aku ngan Al nak makan kat situ, so layannnnn ....
Al pulak tak lain tak bukan ...awal2 lagi dia kata nak bread and kaya ...macam kat rumah takleh buat ....my dad pun nak bread and kaya kata nya ...but he had breakfast before kami kuar so he was more into having a cup of coffee jer .....maka orderlah double serving of bread and kaya .....sekali sampai, Al tak nak share ...hehehehe Aki pujuk pun dia tak nak bagi ...aku nak order lagi for my dad tapi my dad memang tak lapar ...dia tak nak ..dia cuma nak sakat Al ...Aki mintak, boleh budak tu koyakkan tepi bread tu ajer ...secubit ok untuk aki dia .....sungguh greedy!
geram aku ngan Al ...aku nak cubit2 ajer dia tapi my dad tak bagi ....dont make a scene kata my dad ...trhen budak nie nak le mintak minuman aki dia ....tapi aki tak bagi pulak lol macam budak kecik dua dua tu ....so Al minum air yang dia bawak sendiri ....budak nie sekarang banyak minum air ....cuaca pulak panas ..so, kemana jer pergi akan bawak botol air fav dia nie ....
balik rumah ari tu terus Al kena sound ngan daddy dia ...kata jgn kedekut ...must share ngan family ...hehehe pastu dia aplikasikan scenario tu biler nak guna iPad aku ...mama, please share ....geram tak????
happy weekend people ...stay safe ..and have a great weekend!
tetiba Al plak sibuk ....dia nak mandi sebab dia kata nak ikut nenek and aki keluar ...hahaha ingatkan kalau kid-free kami nak gi jauh lah ...tapi kesian plak budak tu nak ikut ...aku kata tanya aki and nenek whether dorang nak bawak or tak, laju dia turun mintak permission ...aki said ok if dia mandi cepat ...so, siap semua, keluar lah kami berempat ...gi pasar tani ...my dad cari petai, bunga kantan and lauk2 fav dia ...aku ngan Al tunggu kat tempat orang jual buah2an and bunga ajer ...tak lalu nak masuk ke kawasan ikan or ayam :-)
pas buat a few errands for aki and nenek, we went to OldTown ...mak aku ngan Al nak makan kat situ, so layannnnn ....
my dad malas layan aku bergambar hehehehe ...masih menunggu order
nie yang mak aku nak ...the reason dia datang sini
aku plak kalau gi OldTown makan asam laksa jer lah ...
Al pulak tak lain tak bukan ...awal2 lagi dia kata nak bread and kaya ...macam kat rumah takleh buat ....my dad pun nak bread and kaya kata nya ...but he had breakfast before kami kuar so he was more into having a cup of coffee jer .....maka orderlah double serving of bread and kaya .....sekali sampai, Al tak nak share ...hehehehe Aki pujuk pun dia tak nak bagi ...aku nak order lagi for my dad tapi my dad memang tak lapar ...dia tak nak ..dia cuma nak sakat Al ...Aki mintak, boleh budak tu koyakkan tepi bread tu ajer ...secubit ok untuk aki dia .....sungguh greedy!
muka tak nak share makanan!
bread yang jadi rebutan :-)
geram aku ngan Al ...aku nak cubit2 ajer dia tapi my dad tak bagi ....dont make a scene kata my dad ...trhen budak nie nak le mintak minuman aki dia ....tapi aki tak bagi pulak lol macam budak kecik dua dua tu ....so Al minum air yang dia bawak sendiri ....budak nie sekarang banyak minum air ....cuaca pulak panas ..so, kemana jer pergi akan bawak botol air fav dia nie ....
balik rumah ari tu terus Al kena sound ngan daddy dia ...kata jgn kedekut ...must share ngan family ...hehehe pastu dia aplikasikan scenario tu biler nak guna iPad aku ...mama, please share ....geram tak????
happy weekend people ...stay safe ..and have a great weekend!
1 MALAYSIA break in KL---Part 1
Hi there...having a mixed feeling this morning to spare this little time blogging..my workload is out of hand..been burning candleSSS for the past 2 weeks...macam...ha....tak baik cakap sini geeeeeeeeeeee. I was like zombie tau! bosan big time !!! i tell you if i run my own business with my level of dedication mmg kayo akak! ha..ha..ha..but thank Allah for this rezeki and His blessing!
Ok i was in KL for hari Satu Malaysia...the finale of 2012 raya celebration..we went to Temerloh to my brother in law new house..nice house but no picture...haiyoo next trip i will share some pictures here.
About12 we continued our journey to KL for Darling's open house. Her open house is only between us ~the Ngasri's.we were served with nasi briani which she claimed she cooked from scratch but the hubby said "kak long can get it in Giant berpacket2" ngeeeeee..some seafood spaghetti and introduced me to Garrett--that Garrett popcorn mmg best
... i am a popcorn lover if you guys want to know...Baru text Duan suh tolong singgah if only he passes KLCC....
So here we go some pictures at Darling's ..she requested me to take pictures every corner of the house..mcm byk noh benda or area nak tangkap ha..ha..ha..jgn mare Darling!
Ala ...ala...ala...cantiknya bini sapa tu ???ha..ha..ha..ha.. me and the sisters...my top is MNG bought long long time ago...the tudung is from FB...another online purchase
The food arrangement = minus 5===should arrange properly cik Darling!
See the reclining chairs are like mine...ishh tiru sungguh! Soon she move to a d bomb..akak tak lah commnet lagi ha..ha..ha.. That is teh ever gorgeous kakak Inas...i like calling her Kakak Inas.
Darling is living in a condo...new condo...and swimming is something the kids were looking forward to..Adib has been complaining for renting out our Riana Green.
And those are all the activity for the day at Darling's....Thank you so much for the invitation...and to be continued in part 2.
Ok i was in KL for hari Satu Malaysia...the finale of 2012 raya celebration..we went to Temerloh to my brother in law new house..nice house but no picture...haiyoo next trip i will share some pictures here.
About12 we continued our journey to KL for Darling's open house. Her open house is only between us ~the Ngasri's.we were served with nasi briani which she claimed she cooked from scratch but the hubby said "kak long can get it in Giant berpacket2" ngeeeeee..some seafood spaghetti and introduced me to Garrett--that Garrett popcorn mmg best
... i am a popcorn lover if you guys want to know...Baru text Duan suh tolong singgah if only he passes KLCC....
So here we go some pictures at Darling's ..she requested me to take pictures every corner of the house..mcm byk noh benda or area nak tangkap ha..ha..ha..jgn mare Darling!
The food arrangement = minus 5===should arrange properly cik Darling!
See the reclining chairs are like mine...ishh tiru sungguh! Soon she move to a d bomb..akak tak lah commnet lagi ha..ha..ha.. That is teh ever gorgeous kakak Inas...i like calling her Kakak Inas.
Darling is living in a condo...new condo...and swimming is something the kids were looking forward to..Adib has been complaining for renting out our Riana Green.

And those are all the activity for the day at Darling's....Thank you so much for the invitation...and to be continued in part 2.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Anniversary Day
13...that's the number. Looking forward for more...but let's celebrate this year dulu. Celebrate? What a hectic day we had celebrating our anniversary. Let me story mory our celebration day. Cara kelakar la kan ...sebab tengah mood ceria katanya...Cam ye ye je but overall, before we go to sleep we are in happy mode. That's the important part.
Fid and I had a lunch date. Kot? Actually lunch date pun cam tak plan sebab kena pergi Celcom untuk tukar data plan..pastu terus lunch sama sama. Tapi since only both of us...consider dating la kan. Pastu tempat sikit punya class we went. Not in aircondition room but under khemah bawah panas terik mentari. Well...dulu masa dating biasa je makan bawah pokok sena tepi sungai menapak berkm km dating punya pasal kan. Apa la sangat makan bawah khemah. ha ha ha. Sori laling...kanda lupa nak booking candle lite lunch.
Belakang menara Atlan tu ada medan selera...famous for ikan bakar. Yasreen's office kat sini but due to some urgent matters...tak dapat lak dia join us. Ker dia saje kasi can kami dating? Lepas lunch jumpa kejap kat ground floor Hi Hi Bye Bye dengan reen. Fid had to rush back to fetch EJ from school. Nak buat camno...commitment seorang ibu. Tapi sempat tu quick tutorial pasal samsung notes. Layann.
Lepas dah borak secara laju laju dengan Reen update semua perkara yang terlintas kat kepala...kami mintak diri nak balik. Fid balik Setiawangsa...aku singgah KLCC. Member aku ada cakap dia makan red velvet cake kat BISOU KLCC...sedap katanya. Aku teruja to try both the rainbow cake and red velvet cupcakes. Member aku kata he tried the cake...tapi tak nampak...yang ada cupcakes aje...boleh la kan...I bought 2 ketul rainbow cake and 2 ketul velvet cake. Cer tengok...menarik bangat kan both of the cakes.
First time I tried rainbow cakes...selama ni tengok kat blog orang aje. Yang red velvet cupcakes tu...favourite masa kini...wajib la beli kan.
Rupa sangat la da'bomb. Rasanya sangat la buttery..ada ke word ni? Very rich rasa butter cake nya and the cream on top tu kira macam pelengkap. I would not say this is the best cake I have ever tried tapi boleh aje kalau nak repeat. Worth the money. Ye la kan...kalau nak buat sendiri lapisan lapisan tu...pengsan bangun pastu pengsan balik beberapa kali...sah sah tak jadi jugak. LOL.
My lidah tak semengah ni kata Harrods punya lagi sedap.
Both cakes kan makan dengan express sebab nak rush ke HUKM. My mom discharge hari ni...nak tolong settle settle apa yang patut. Kol 8.30pm baru dapat blah dari spital tu. Balik Keramat singgah kedai photostat...Ej need to bind something...pastu balik umah. Nak singgah dinner tak jadi sebab Zara dah tidur...dinner kat umah aje. Settle sehari yang penuh dengan celebration ni...he he...penat sampai la ni terasa lagi. Ok lah..nak rehat lak.
Fid and I had a lunch date. Kot? Actually lunch date pun cam tak plan sebab kena pergi Celcom untuk tukar data plan..pastu terus lunch sama sama. Tapi since only both of us...consider dating la kan. Pastu tempat sikit punya class we went. Not in aircondition room but under khemah bawah panas terik mentari. Well...dulu masa dating biasa je makan bawah pokok sena tepi sungai menapak berkm km dating punya pasal kan. Apa la sangat makan bawah khemah. ha ha ha. Sori laling...kanda lupa nak booking candle lite lunch.
Belakang menara Atlan tu ada medan selera...famous for ikan bakar. Yasreen's office kat sini but due to some urgent matters...tak dapat lak dia join us. Ker dia saje kasi can kami dating? Lepas lunch jumpa kejap kat ground floor Hi Hi Bye Bye dengan reen. Fid had to rush back to fetch EJ from school. Nak buat camno...commitment seorang ibu. Tapi sempat tu quick tutorial pasal samsung notes. Layann.
Lepas dah borak secara laju laju dengan Reen update semua perkara yang terlintas kat kepala...kami mintak diri nak balik. Fid balik Setiawangsa...aku singgah KLCC. Member aku ada cakap dia makan red velvet cake kat BISOU KLCC...sedap katanya. Aku teruja to try both the rainbow cake and red velvet cupcakes. Member aku kata he tried the cake...tapi tak nampak...yang ada cupcakes aje...boleh la kan...I bought 2 ketul rainbow cake and 2 ketul velvet cake. Cer tengok...menarik bangat kan both of the cakes.
First time I tried rainbow cakes...selama ni tengok kat blog orang aje. Yang red velvet cupcakes tu...favourite masa kini...wajib la beli kan.
Rupa sangat la da'bomb. Rasanya sangat la buttery..ada ke word ni? Very rich rasa butter cake nya and the cream on top tu kira macam pelengkap. I would not say this is the best cake I have ever tried tapi boleh aje kalau nak repeat. Worth the money. Ye la kan...kalau nak buat sendiri lapisan lapisan tu...pengsan bangun pastu pengsan balik beberapa kali...sah sah tak jadi jugak. LOL.
My lidah tak semengah ni kata Harrods punya lagi sedap.
Both cakes kan makan dengan express sebab nak rush ke HUKM. My mom discharge hari ni...nak tolong settle settle apa yang patut. Kol 8.30pm baru dapat blah dari spital tu. Balik Keramat singgah kedai photostat...Ej need to bind something...pastu balik umah. Nak singgah dinner tak jadi sebab Zara dah tidur...dinner kat umah aje. Settle sehari yang penuh dengan celebration ni...he he...penat sampai la ni terasa lagi. Ok lah..nak rehat lak.
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