I am soooooo excited ...super excited ..mega excited ....coz last night I had bought tickets to go back home in approximately 40++ days ....syiokkkkk oooo ...i am anticipating long waits in betweens connecting flights ...but, the thought of going home makes it all worthwhile ....i am going home to my cheeky monkeys ...cinta ati mama ...there is no place I rather be than to be with them ...
This coming Wednesday (29th May) akan genap empat bulan aku bertapak di bumi Welly nie ...aku ingat lagi, the first month was the hardest ...the first two weeks tu memang berendam air mata ..but masuk bulan ke dua, I started to get busy ..so my mind was a bit focused on work ..and less thinking time ...tapi bila sesekali rindu menjelma, Welly banjir ajer ....i thought it is getting better kan...tapi tak jugak ...there are always moments yang aku akan sangat2 rindu kat the kiddos ...and selalu lah nanges sesorang ....paling menyayat ati bila tiap kali call, Al akan tanya dah sleep lama lama pun mama tak balik balik lagi from New Zealand ...biler mama nak balik??? sampai satu tahap tu, he was so sad ..tapi dia kata i am a big boy, so i am not crying ..i just wait for mama to come home ...sayu ati aku ...and adik pulak dok mama mama biler video call ngan aku ....my parents said they miss me ...and i also miss them ...too much!!!
hidung adik scratch kena kuku abang - accidental masa dok bergurau ...
walaupun aku ramai kawan kat sini ..i mean for someone yang baru masuk 4 bulan kat sini, and have been going out practically every weekends with different sets of friends kan ...memang my social calender is always full ..every week ada jer activities ..like jalan2 makan2 with Kak Shidah and Nita ...party like mad with people from schools ...dinner and outing with friends from architecture school ...and outing sana sini with opismate and other friends ..and next week nak gi concert with my south american friends pulak ....memang full lah ...tapi ini semua hanya kebahagiaan sementara ..tak mampu untuk melenyapkan rindu pada the kids ..pada keluarga di Malaysia ...giler betol lah ..dah tua2 jadi jiwang pulak ...as if tak pernah dok jauh from keluarga sebelum ini ..duduk UK bertahun2 tak rasa macam nie ....welly sangat2 menguji tahap kerinduan aku ...sometime i feel so isolated ...so lonely ..walaupun dikelilingi oleh kawan2 ...it is funny that way ...somehow in the midst of the crowd, you are feeling as if you are completely alone ....
aku memang tak plan nak balik ....but lately my situation is getting worst ...people closest to me here are leaving Welly for various reasons lah ....ada yang bakal permanent ..ada yang sementara ...i am saddened by the thought ..i miss my friends ...dah tu now aku dok opis sorang2 ...sebab both my opismates takde di Welly ..and opis tu macam sgt depressing hahaha drama queen ...sebab sangat sunyi and aku takde teman berbual ...and it can be a very long day to be in an office on your own! And it is fall season nak masuk winter ...cuaca sejuk ..cepat gelap ...and it is adding to my depression ...macam lemau semacam ajer biler cepat gelap ....i still go out but the thought of balik sejuk sangat2 tak best ....and the most depressing factor is keadaan kat flat aku sekarang ...aiyoooooo tak sekepala semua ...macam2 lah ...ini lah sebab nya aku sangat benci share2 flat ngan orang ...terutamanya yang tak dikenali ..aku dah biasa dok rumah sendiri ..takde sharing2 dah bertahun2 ..alih2 sini kena share ..memang perit lah ...mula2 ok tapi sekarang dah tahap azab ....aku nekad lah kuar and cari rumah luar sebaik kontrak sini abis ...
so biler dah depress macam tu, somehow aku kental kan ati jugak ..teringat parting advice from my dad ...dia kata, whatever happens there, you just plough on ..pedulikan apa yang berlaku kat sekeliling ...you are there for your PhD ..just do it ..do it quick so that balik cepat ...he never encourages me to go home ...or to be homesick ...ntah macam mana last thursday aku tanya Jane - soh tanya my dad whether I can balik sekejap ...and use my saving ...and surprisingly he said, without hesitation, yes ...balik lah ..it will be good for the kids and for me kata nya ...mak aku memang sokong 100% lah ...so there and then aku sibuk carik tiket ...mahal weiiii but nekad punya pasal ..the next step was mintak permission from my sv ..aku tau dia akan gi France for nearly a month winter nie ..so when I met him on friday (the day pas decision was made), aku bodek dia dulu by showing all my works lah ...biler dia dah puas ati, then i ask le samada boleh idak aku balik kejap ...dia kata boleh degan syarat aku balik tu ambik le data apa yang patut yang aku perlukan ..and that kalau boleh between now and August kata nya ...sept tak digalakkan sebab aku akan sibuk with my proposal masa tu tapi dia kata kalau boleh gi July tu sangat cun sebab dia pun takde kan ...so, dah dapat green light kan ...apa lagi, semalam aku dah beli tiket...itupun $120 mahal than the previous day...tak kisah, janji tikets dah dibeli ....so I am coming home ...soon ...very very soon!!!!
my friends kata aku ngades hahaha baru 4 bulan dah nak balik cuti ...tapi aku rasa this is something i have to do ...kesian sangat kat Al and adik ..yang sentiasa menanti kepulangan aku ...semalam pas setel urusan tiket, aku bagitau my family...and Jane send an audio note to me ...suara Al was so happy ...with a touch of disbelief ..tanya, mama are you coming home from New Zealand? I am sooooo happy kata nya ...so i know kepulangan aku memang something yang ditunggu tunggu ..yes, i know tiket mahal ...but at the end of the day, meeting my precious family, spending little time with them ...is priceless ...duit ..saing semua tu boleh dicari..but we cannot turn back time ...time spent with family cannot be measured by wang ringgit ...and i will be meeting my precious friends as well ...my adik beradik Just 40 ...
so nantikan lah kepulangan aku!!!
Good to hear this. Tengok semua orang rindu merindui better la balik bercuti merasa kepanasan bumi malaysia. Tapi sejuk dengan kasih sayang. Lagi satu nak kata, ini lah beza 20 an dan Satu lagi an sebab dulu tahan je rindu rinduan. Lariiiii
yelah...i think it is good that you are coming home for a while..jgn lah sebab nak save tak nak balik..unless mmg tak de duit...but that doesnt apply to u so please lah balik..i hope we can meet jugak :)
Ms Gina welcome homeeeeeee!!!!!
Thanks Kiky!!! Cant wait to jimba2 with you and Tijot di Kuching hehehe ...am sure korang faham perasaan aku lol
Liz & Fendi: tu lah yang aku fikir ..baik aku balik, walaupun sekejap ...so nanti i bagitau dates aku kat KL ...but will be there the last two nights before flying balik sini ...hope dapat jumpa Liz! Ita ngan Fndi mmg akan jumpa le ..kalau tak jumpa, saja le tu!
Yeay... kena nyanyi lagu :
hahaha memang itu yang aku dok nyanyi sekarang Eat!
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