Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bandung-from Liz for Day 1

So at last we made it...the first trip ever for the gang outside Malaysia..setahun tunggu woii sape nak jawap tu!..ADE AKU KISAH??? of courselah mesti kisah ..nak berronggeng kan? counting hours tahu! happy sangat tapi kureng sikit sebab Eat takde...katanya ..walaupun..kah..kah..kah..what the heck are those supposed to mean???Fendu faham sgt lah...as for Ejin, kadang kadang ok kadang2 extra slow.....layan je lah...

Ni our first breakfast before flying to Bandung at the terminal...See how ceria those people...yang Duan tu ..biase lah ala ala candid...

And I managed to take this picture while walking up into the plane...thanks to Mr Fernandez..brilliant idea now every fly can fly...opps soli now everyone can fly..he..he..he...nampak tu anak sape kehilangan mak bapak....

This was at the apartment's lobby...see i was so busy snap sana sini....mana akak ni?????

Ade pun....can you see sape kat celah tu...dah jadi anak aku pun...


fendifid said...

Yes...dreams comes true. Kalau cukup korum dgn orang Shah Alam tu ikut sekali...sahih kiter paling meriah dalam flight tu. Ada pun gambar kat Apartment 6 star yang kiter menginap sepanjang ronggeng kiter. Setanding Palace of the Golden Horses.
p/s gambar dalam apartment/bilik takde ke?

Ejin said...

hehehehe sepanjang kat Bandung, family liz bertambah sorang lagi ...manantu dia ada le katakan!

memang best, and eat, you MUST join us next time

Eat said...

ok noted!! mmg jelesnye tengok ..