The Gallery itself is very cozy ...staff dia friendly! Aku enjoy browsing kat sini...masa kami sampai tu, this one lady was painting ...and behind her was an incomplete lukisan on kucing (picture below) ...on silk medium lah ...very cantik kan! Dia kata the painting was commissioned by one of the musuem in Sarawak - harganya ribuan ringgit ....

But masa browsing tu, aku berkenan 2-3 lukisan jugak...untuk tambah my painting collection hehehe baru dua je kat rumah kah kah kah ....i love this one! It is charcoal-based painting, done by a Burmese painting.... kalau ada rezeki lebih, I WILL get this painting ...itupun kalau by that time ia nya masih belum dijual ....

I would suggest art lovers to visit this place - banyak painting2 menarik on a variety of mediums ...mostly painting2 contemporary, kebanyakkannya by local artistes. and ada jugak other things apart from painting like books, postcards, clothes and other collectable items.