Dato Lee Chong Wei

The first bergu--Khoo and Tan ke?
-- mega dan deboom...
The second bergu and Wong Choon Han
- put up a very very good fight---kalah tapi puas hati tengok semangat dia orang...nak komen about how they played , i dont really know lah...nampak tangkas and bersemangat is good enough for me..
Then last but not least...we were down to "seri" with Denmark after the 4 games and left with Hafiz Hashim sebagai penentu...i was worried...dont really follow badminton tapi dengar dengar news tu hafiz macam on off on off...and i dont like his previous rambut karat ....glad rambut dia dah hitam balik:)........anyway, yesterday over breakfast, my boss commented that Hafiz played well during the match with Japan tapi macam mentally not prepared ajer....so trusting his comment, i put lot of hopes on Hafiz...and yes, he played so calmly, fight like a pro and he won...
I tell you, even my low BP pun naik lah semalam.....

That's it....Well Done Malaysia....memang MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!!!
They are all wira negara bukan Hafiz sorang ajer okays! Jumaat-esok - kite jumpe China....walaweeeeiiii....Jailani kata he categorised that as "mission impossible"....kalau kalah with that kind of spirit (shown last nite)- it will be worth to watch......

The second bergu and Wong Choon Han

Then last but not least...we were down to "seri" with Denmark after the 4 games and left with Hafiz Hashim sebagai penentu...i was worried...dont really follow badminton tapi dengar dengar news tu hafiz macam on off on off...and i dont like his previous rambut karat ....glad rambut dia dah hitam balik:)........anyway, yesterday over breakfast, my boss commented that Hafiz played well during the match with Japan tapi macam mentally not prepared ajer....so trusting his comment, i put lot of hopes on Hafiz...and yes, he played so calmly, fight like a pro and he won...
I tell you, even my low BP pun naik lah semalam.....

That's it....Well Done Malaysia....memang MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!!!
They are all wira negara bukan Hafiz sorang ajer okays! Jumaat-esok - kite jumpe China....walaweeeeiiii....Jailani kata he categorised that as "mission impossible"....kalau kalah with that kind of spirit (shown last nite)- it will be worth to watch......
gelisah smlm tgk badminton ni...dok depan tv pun nafas naik turun..heheheh ape2 pun Malaysia boleh..x sabar tgk match m'sia vs china...hope semuanye lancar ..kalah bermaruah x pe...janji ade semangat juang yg tinggi hingga ke titisan terakhir...hehehe
chewah...sokong 100% ok...thru thick and thin...jangan biler kalah dok menyumpah seranah.
Malaysia boleh!!
liz-gambar cam kurang 1 la...pair ada 1 je gambar. what sengepon?
aku tak tengok ...sebab tv diconquer oleh budak kecik yang jadi Raja kat rumah aku tu .....
well done Malaysia ...but mcm Fend kata, jgn puji and support masa menang ajer, and kalau kalah kena boo ...support tu masa menang and kalah ok ....(dalam ati: tak sangka Kak Long tengok badminton)
aku tengok yg match best best cam ni....masa lawan jepun tak tengok...badminton selalu nya aku tengok...
gambar tu aku cilok dari web mana tah , tak de gambar budak 2 org bergu tu...maas nak browse lagi...
aku mana ada sumpah seranah...kite penonton berhemah...sebab tu aku kata semangat dia org ok --they put up a very good fight...
tinggal harap players kite cool--supporters pun cool--kite belum juara lagi pun :)
jarang sunmpah2 seranah nie...tp kalau depa ni main cam game semalam lwn denmark..kalah pun leh terima lg..katanye kalah bermaruahkan..tp kalau tgk game lawan jepun..sakit hatii oooo...tp x sumpah seranah gak..cuma mengomel kecik2 je...hehhehe
apa lagi...pi la ke stadium support.
stadium? tengok kat rumah lah sedap sikit
diva mana boleh pi stadium, dia tak tahan bau peluh GGG ...dia hanya ke stadium kalau anak2 dia beraksi ..kan..kan kan????
pastu duduk pun tempat yang takde orang...ha ha ha
hahahaha ...tepat sekali ...
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