Monday, October 4, 2010

Masak memasak Hari Raya

For some reason, we dont organise any open house this year...nape ekkk???? entah lah macam lembap ajer suasana nya, but doesnt mean we are exercising closed door or something like that, The door is still widely opened if somebody presses the doorbell :) and i did cook sikit sikit for some friends and relatives who visited me and a bunch of kids who mainly Aimran's classmates.

So here are some makan makan hari raya for this 2010....

During the long break first week of raya....we had laksa johor...
Lepas tu mainly mee rebus, laksa penang, soto, lodeh , nasi impit and kuah kacang, spaghetti bolognese and cabonara --gembira aku masak :)

Then a brief visit from my mom, my aunt and uncle...they came all the way from ipoh after visiting pak Long...mmg kaki jalan puak puak can never keep up with them! I cant!

Small version of open house for children....mainly Angah's classmates--he planned it even before is a must for his friends so he told me....

Finally, last saturday in conjunction with Afi's and Adib's birthday, invited the Pekan's clan for makan makan....
Kuah soto sedang dipanaskan--supposed to go in the centre bowl :)

With that saya melabuh kan tirai penutup untuk syawal tahun ni....
Adios .......asta la vista baby!


Ejin said...

emmmm sedap nyer makanan soto ...

fendifid said...

menarik tertarik da bomb.
hebat mak and uncle nko...berjalan kesana sini...from ipoh gi Kuantan sumer