Monday, March 2, 2009

Chef Diva pulek

Hi friends, another posting for my lunch on sunday...for some reason, my chef was not in a mood for cooking last weekend so we have the chef diva instead. who is the chef diva? Who else? Me, myself and I la....So last sunday, i was the "cutter" (kire boleh aje lah)...and also the chef...

We had Lala sos cili...firstly tumis cili boh+bwg besar and kecik..then add in some tomato sauce maggi + lingam's chilli sauce...the brand is important ok -if you use different brand, and it turns out not as tasty as mine..then you know why ..then Lala+ salt +gula...
next is ikan A-ji steam....ikan A-ji...i am not sure if it has different name in the southern part or somewhere else....I have never known ikan A-ji, and i know some fish was called differently between these 2 parts of malaysia, like ikan tongkol-it is called ikan aya here in this east coast...(actually there were many other ikans which was alien to me when i grew up- but not anymore now)...ok the ingredients are apart fo the ikan..tomato, halia, serai, the 3 bawangs (besar+kecik+putih), asam keping and some celery...just steam them all....and wala hingga menjilat if , kan!
A recycled asam pedas ikan tenggiri cooked by Bibik for Friday's dinner...tak expired lagi..
A repeat..kepah daun selasih...the only dish cooked by chef duan for the week....for the recipe , please refer to "exclusive on sunday" in feb08....i am so in love with daun selasih..sedap weeiiii
And our green for the day is this...PETAI....semerbak...


Ejin said...

amboi chef diva yea ...hehehehe teringat dulu2 ...bukan ke dulu dapur tu merupakan tempat yang alien utk ngko???? cayo le kak long...btw, aku tak pernah dengar nama ikan tu! kalau trout ke, tuna ke, dory ke, lemon sole ke...aku kenal le heheheheh

Liz Duan said...

yes and mackerel and salmon...kan...once in a blue moon , sometimes kat carefourre dapat salmon...tapi kat wet market nahe..nahe...nahe.

Ejin said...

hehehehe aku tak pi market le kak long...sekali sekala ke aku membuat lawatan khas ke market ....2-3 bulan sekali kot!

fendifid said...

aku setahun sekali pun tak pasti pi market kat KL ni...tapi kalau ka PD..yes sekali sekala ada pi market. aku kureng ikan la...aku orang ayam.

Mard said...

wah, can ganti chef wan ini macam.
btw, ikan tongkol in the northern states is also known as ikan kayu.
don't ask me y...donno da answer.

fendifid said...

sebab rasa cam kayu and ikan tu kan keras cam kayu...takde perasaan lah lebih kurang.

Liz Duan said...

pandailah fend, keras konon...i love ikan tongkol/aya...kat sini guna buat nasi dagang...

Ejin said...

i love tongkol too!!! and i love nasi dagang ...hehehehe lapar le plak