Tuesday, November 23, 2010

2010 Hari Raya Korban Part1

We were in pekan for Raya Korban....no family picture...weather was so hot...pagi cantik after org balik sembahyang semua dah berlengging...so tak de lah photo session...about noon gitu we went back to Kuantan as Darling and hubby had made their way to our "home sweet home"...

Food was all from Pekan...we had them all...nasi dagang, satay, nasi tomato, laksa pahang (tertinggal pulak so darling missed that:)....There's not much to tell actually when it comes to raya korban but i know we muslim are supposed to memeriahkan raya haji more than raya puasa...we had our korban this year but that will be in my "part2" ok...Day 1 of this raya korban is all about makan dan makan...basically my dear mother in law is trying her best to accomodate tempolok semua orang and that's the reason for the variation of delicacies.Darling and hubby begitu sopan sedondon in purple...as for us dah carca merba...darling kata "apahal korang ni?"...

My mom pun tapau kan nasi beriani...sedap with kurma and some kuih...

with all that food penuh meja...mak buyung bunting sulung ni nak makan salted egg crabs so malam tu we went for Mahkota seafood lah...actually baru jer cakap dgn the 30sth geng, kite dah jumpe another good crab restaurant tapi tak serve pulak masak salted egg...so tak dapek nak menolong nyer heiiii....

That's the end of 2010 raya korban part 1...i am so lack of energy lah guys...need to gather some for part 2 nanti ...ya ...take care folks!

1 comment:

fendifid said...

ok la tu...meriah raya nko with food. sedap sedap pulak tu. entah tahun biler la aku nak dapat rasa laksa pahang ni.