Monday, November 29, 2010

2010 Raya Korban Part 2

Ok Day 2....went down to Pekan to the poultry site for ibadah korban and Ejin, that's our korban this year...semoga korban kite di terima oleh NYA.

We had it done with the RT Bio farm fact even last year we had it with the same team but i cant remember why i was not on site during slaughtering, perhaps they did it during working days...cant recall lah...
While waiting for the team and ahli pemyembelih...
The slaughtering was a smooth one, the cow was really calm...berserah gitu...
Then moved to the site office for some refreshment and bbq...
did some cooking....not me lah...kite hanya potong potong bawang ajer...The boss wearing his chef hat....And my junior chef brushing his skills.....Then makan time...yg bujang comel aku tu taat setia duduk kat meja makan....
That's the end of raya korban.....
Through out life, i believe we will go through a lot of scarifices - at time we did it willingly and at times we did not, most importantly we have to set the intention right at the first dear one told me---which i have long believe---always think of what we can give rather than counting on what we can get from others....believe me with this thought in mind, life will become simpler than ever....
By the way, a keen reader kata , dah berkurun habis raya haji baru engkau ni nak update...tetttttttttttttt...


Ejin said...

canteeekkkk baju ngko Liz ...very the Datin :-)

Lembu tu mcm syadu jer aku tengok ...

Liz Duan said...

lembu sedih memikirkan kau yg jauh di sana...di sana...di sana...

fendifid said...

yes...cun baju tu.

sedapnya merewang pastu makan ramai ramai.

biar lambat asalkan ada posting.

Eat said...

Yup.. very nice baju. Tapi muka kau dah kembang sikit..

Liz Duan said...

hi kak senon , aku dah nak beranak ...harus lah kembang setaman ---apa cite kau ni?