Making the most of the sunshine and nice hot weather in Wellington ..that's what I did yesterday ...plan ngan the girls to spend the whole day together ..i took yesterday off - tak masuk opis langsung ...and the weather was so nice, even kalau aku masuk opis pun, am sure I would not stay the whole day coz cuaca memanggil manggil untuk bersukaria ...
The plan was meet up for lunch in town ...then gi Paraparaumu beach ..which is about an hour drive from city ...and then balik in time for summer concert kat Botanic Garden ...then tukar plan coz we want to see Kak Shidah before concert ...instead gi Scorching Bay yang dekat lagi ngan city ...that's the beauty of Wellington - banyak beaches nearby ...from Oriental Bay, to Island Bay, Lyall Bay, Owhiro Bay, Shelly Bay (ni aku tak gi lagi), Makara, Evan Bay and so on ....but the girls kata better Scorching Bay - sangat cantik and less crowded ...

sampai2 tu sejuk siot ...berangin plak tu ...and not many people kat dalam air ...and malas nak lepak di pasir tu, instead we found a spot kat grass bank ....a nice spot yang jauh from orang ...down at the beach tu we can see ada lifeguards it is a safe beach to swim in ...but they have designated swim area, sampai2 bentang kan lah beach towel masing masing ...and just enjoy the sun ...kali ne sebab sejuk ..tak carik shady place ..memang go direct for the sun :-)
takde close up of the white sandy beach sebab aku malas gi sana bawak camera was purely a relaxing trip to the beach for us ...completely forgot about work and just spent the day cuci mata ..lapangkan minda ...and clear my head ...and hanging out with the girls ...
masa kitorang sampai, takde lah ramai sangat orang ..but more and more people datang the time we left at 5.30pm, the place was a bit crowded ...gambar tak banyak coz I was too relax tido to get up and take photo time aku gi lagi ....
went back at 5.30 coz by then Kak Shidah dah call kata dia dah tunggu kat rumah ..we took the coastal road balik ..and view was absolutely amazing!!! Seriously, I am falling in love with this place every day ...the more I discover and explore Welly, the more I love this smallest capital in the world ...
then reunion with Kak Shidah usual bila dah jumpa, memang tak leh stop sembang was great to meet up again ...and kak shidah is well known for her hospitality ..kami makan makan ..minum minum ...and siap mandi semua kat situ and sedar2 it was 8.00-ish ...padahal concert yang kami nak gi tu starts at 8pm ..blah by 8.30-ish gitu ...itupun we feel bad coz pergi cepat sangat ...kak shidah siap offer dinner tu but have to take rain check lah ....
as usual bila aku balik tu aku bawak fresh rosemary ..kat rumah nie berlambak2 fresh herbs ...dorang tanam around the house ...kalau gi garden dia siap ada lecttuce, silverbeet, spinach, rhubarb etc ...aku nak rosemary ajer ..sebab tahan lama and i love it with meat dishes ...
sebab dah lambat kuar from Khandallah kan ...maka lambat le sampai Botanics hahaha but we all said we just want to check out the ambience, listen to the songs, dance and get some selfies of us at the concert ....dah le parking susah dapat ended up sampai very late ..sempat dengar the last 3 songs ...but we did all we said we were gonna do ...
dengar lagu - checked!
menari - checked! depan stage plak tu hahaha ...
selfie - checked!
ambience - checked!
summer open air concert nie memang an annual event ..sepanjang january ...and every night different genre and different band..last night tu memang packed ..all the grass area penuh ngan org datang with picnic basket etc and just sit there, having picnic ..dengar lagu ...and dance away ...kami lambat so memang tak kuarkan our picnic punya tikar ...the suasana is so cool ...kilauan lampu with all hamparan bunga tu sangat cantik ...smells heavenly as well ...glad we had time to tengok semalam ..takut pas ni tak sempat coz all 3 of us sibuk .....bukan boleh jumpa everyday ..yang nie pun the 3rd attempts nak tgk concert ...selalu cancel sebab selalu sibuk ...
otw balik ke kereta pun sempat posing lagi hahaha ..people were milling around walaupun concert dah abis ....
by then, we had actually spent nearly 10 hours together hahaha ..and were too tired to do anything else antar Sue balik ...and then we went to supermarket kat Kilbirnie ....sebab lapar and nak makan kat luar memang susah le ..coz cafes and restaurant dah nak tutup beli food at supermarket ...and then antar aku balik .....
supermarket ni tutup lambat midnight gitu ...tapi ramai gak le org shopping ...
seharian aku kuar semalam ...selalu kami buat cam nie ...sekali kuar memang full day gitu ...then the following day semua back to do own work ...that's why aku seharian kat opis hari nie ...walaupun sunday ...sebab kerja banyak work strategy, time joli tu, joli sepuas ati ...and time kerja, harus sepenuh jiwa jugak :-)
next plan trip with the girls kata nya nak gi Hawkes Bay ....our first trip together outside of Wellington Region ..tak tau jadi ke idak this space!