Dah tak ingat dah when was the last time aku buat posting. No material. Nak buat camnekan. Today we attended wedding kat Jln ampang terus singgah ke Great Easten Mall. Ada cake sales for charity from 5 star hotels.
Ada byk cakes yang cun cun and of course mesti rasa sedap. All are chocolate cakes. Lepas look see look see and snap gambar apa yang patut. We bought 2 slices (next time mesti beli more). Both rasanya...SATANEM...SEDAP GILER. Kalau nak tgk full coverage about the cakes...belilah local papers...sebab ada ramai wartawan and photographers busy buat coverage for the event.
Enjoy the photos.
best nya nampak cake tu...bukan celebrities yg buat ke? hang beli cake sape?
Celebrities tolong jualkan aje. Untuk pulling the crowd. We bought cakes from Equotorial and Berjaya Times.
bekas shaped love tu pun sekali ke fendu?
kan aku pi ampang ada wedding. itu bekas telur...kah kah kah. Somehow, it triggers my mind someone would actually ask about that. he he he.
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