finally after waiting for almost 2 months, Ahmad Aariz was discharegd from the hospital. Only Allah knows how relieved we are! The feeling to be able to bringing him home, holding him close 24-7 and taking care of him is just indescribable....the feeling of love is overwhelming....I actually told my other half, that i have this unexplained emotion just looking at Aariz since we brought him home. Duan said he thinks when Aariz was in the hospital and when we visited him, it was more to fulfill the responsibility that we have, for bringing him to this world but having him at home and being able to take care of him ourselves, they come along with a totally different state of feelings or emotions and affection!

While in the hospital, the staff kept telling us that Aariz has the loudest cries ..i.e. he can easily topple others when it comes to crying but i dont think he is that bad. However, we do notice immediately that he wants to drink more than his usual 3 hourly feeding of 45ml (each time, in the hospital). He's taking his milk every 2 to 1.5 hours now and this pattern goes for both day and night. For the past 2 months, Aariz was exclusively on breastmilk but my stock of milk is reducing and apparently, he had his first bottle of formula this very morning. So he will on mixed feeding in no time.

His feeding pattern is not strange to me as i have had same experience with the other 3 boys as well...so to those couples expecting for a baby boy, this is something to be expected okays!
Sleepless nights for mummy definitely.......
Thank god i have a husband who willingly shares the duty---- that is sunah---Nabi kan sentiasa membantu di rumah apart from his enormous duties towards the ummah.

His feeding pattern is not strange to me as i have had same experience with the other 3 boys as well...so to those couples expecting for a baby boy, this is something to be expected okays!
Sleepless nights for mummy definitely.......

Know what, it is also not advisable for us to bath him ( for being a premie) until he is about 2.5kg. Thus, we only clean him by wiping using towel and the "Johnson's wipes". So at 2 months old he is yet to take any bath...kesian kan??? Tak pe lah soon sayang!
I think that is all I wnat to post on Aariz for now, I will update his development from time to time. As for now, his activities are only feeding and sleeping and crying of course:).

the 2nd photo: sweeeeetttttttt
syukran syukran aariz is at home.
adib nampak happy sangat. mesti dia rajin jaga adik dia. berani dia pegang aariz yang kecik lagi tu.
q - kenapa bedung sebelah tangan je? tak sejuk ke aariz tangan sebelah lagi tak bebedung?
Adib mmg happy sgt..in fact all the 3 boys pun..kejap sorang nak riba kang sorang nak cium, kang pagi buta nak pergi sekolah nak pegang dulu...mmg kena ada guard sebelah Aariz kalau tak mmg terganggu tidur dia.
Mmg bedung sebelah , initially bedung dua dua pas tu dia resah gelisah nak keluar kan tangan so aku lepas kan sebelah tangan jadi dia tak resah...kalau rasa tangan dia sejuk bagi pakai mitten. Tapi body baby panas dari kite so kalau kite sejuk betul baru dia sejuk!
yes- Adib muka excited! baguslah semua excited with their baby brother ... takde sibling rivaly gitu...
ooo aku pun baru nak tanya pasal tanya tak bermitten tu ...tengok2 dah ada explanation:-)
Waahh.. Tgk gambar aariz nangis tu mcm kuat jer..
Mmg tak bleh mandi ye Liz? Tapi kalau bleh mandi pun, kecik sangat kot..
Happy that aariz is now reunited with the brothers.. and parents!
Puting tu tak too big ke for him?
puting tu aku cilok dari hospital...beg them tolong lah bagi sebab the one yg kite beli dia tak nak...gh kata puting tu mmg tak de jual , imported dr US utk mulut2 kecik premie :)
actually nya kalau ikutkan mitten tu tak perlu unless extremely sejuk sebab babies should be left to feel the world gitulah...org selalu takut babies scratch muka dia kan? tapi doctor kata tak pe dia garu sakit dia faham dia stop..gitulah lebih kurengg
Betul jgk tu teori on the mitten. Jgn sampai calar balar sudah.
he is very cute....
i like..
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