Hi folks...this is news right? Yes, we know how to make sushi now...kembang kan? I have told the 30ths siblings...cuma news to other readers. I think you guys should know by now that I love japanese.....food...japanese food not japanese guy...:) I love japanese so much that i just cant get enough with sushi.... me and aimran, macam tak kenyang kenyang everytime we indulge ourselves. That is how the urge to learn sushi making came about.

We saw once or twice in AFC, and googled. It is as easy as ABC. Sushi by definition is
vinegared rice...so the rice is mixed with
rice vinegar...simple kan? We use
japanese rice...cook it like we usual do with
3:2 water/rice ratio. Once cooked...you thoroughly mix the
rice with rice vinegar, the ratio is 1:4---a quarter lah....must use
wooden ladle...Anyway i dont use rice vinegar but using apple cider vinegar instead...cant find rice vinegar, but apple cider taste good with the rice though.

then the
sea weed...it comes in different sizes pack so you choose and just wrap the rice and whatever fillings you like. The wrapping is a bit tricky but you will improve after some practice. We dont own the
bamboo mat used for sushi wrapping...to date we still cant find one...so we use our own hands.
Useful tips...to maintain the crispyness of the sea weed, you have to ensure the sea weed is always dry...but you got to wet your palm to roll the rice...so one hand for each...requires skill huh...tak lah susah ....as i said earlier...you'll improve with practice..

And wallah...you have your sushi....impressive huh?

Kata aje lah ya...ha..ha...best part of this whole sushi making process, is the bonding with my sayang-sayang...this is DIY..so it always so.... huru hara
How telepathic ...aku baru buat posting on sushi kat blog rainbow semalam and today ngko plak buat kat sini ...separated by laut china selatan tapi tetap sehati sejiwa kan ...hehehe
Btw, i used to make sushi masa study dulu2 jugak ...la nie dah malas tahap gaban ....tapi sushi mat ada lagi ..buat perhiasan kat dapur lol ...my japanese friend sent one mat for me jugak dulu, yang tu tak tau aku letak kat mana ...
And your sushi tu nampak meletops ...macam kat kedai weiiiii .....
yang oren tu tak beli terus boleh di makan ke...telur salmon ke tu?
aku tak layan sangat tak berbaloi nak buat...beli kat jusco je la.. beli 3 selalunya...tu pun terkial kial nak habiskan. he he he.
Oh ya ejin...nanti kita tengok rainbow..Fend itu ebiko--prawn roe--kalau mintak fish roe dia besar besar...rasa minyak ikan, i dont like those.
ebiko beli kat sushi counter and boleh makan terus...
Nampak tak temaki aku buat tu? california handroll/temaki...payah sikit roll temaki
sis , nk tny.. mana nk beli ebiko tu ?tq
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