I am having one of those mummy monster's day just now...terjerit jerit maghrib hari....geram w d boys...can u imagine it is tuesday..the week just started n afi asked me if he can watch this chinese funny movie we bought ..movie abt petaling street....then angah, he just had his bath and made some fuss about not finding his jeans n proposed to skip tuition ....and it is a wrong day. They blew me off !Geram tak terkata sekali dgn mat dib kena sekali. Semua malas tak paham betul !
anyway...dah cool off dah....beristifar banyak banyak....i dont hit them ...cakap aje with a very high pic.
actually i am waiting for the makcik urut...i already had one last nite and requested the makcik to come again today, because i still have some bijik angin on my neck...boleh rasa tau...stress on d neck...too much computer lah i think. I was feeling the strain starting last saturday...i feel like angin is everywhere in my body...Duan dah urut sikit2...tapi tak jadi...so i called d makcik to come over last nite...sedap sanagt..oorrggghhh arghhhh orghhhh arghhhh bunyi aku...i tried to do this body massage regulsrly but being in this fast lane kan sebok lah sgt...walhal sejam aje pun...d last massage was nov i think. 

And u know what this makcik actually jampi some lime for me to use in my bath to tonyoh on d the neck. This is my first time using tjis jampi jampi thing...let me think jap....yelah mmg first time...i do use lime in my bath suka suka aje tapi ni first time lah lime w jampi serapah...cam spooky aje....ha..ha..i am not into this kind of thing actually....for some reason i dont feel right benda benda gini...
This brings me back to 1996, on d day of my wedding reception, i went to this rumah makcik bomoh mana tah and was asked to do mandi pengantin kind of ritual. makcik ni jenuh cite n jampi n requested me to do this n that...and i ended up in her bathroom, cursing all along n mandi bodoh aje...ha..ha..the only thing in my mind was to get out of her bathroom...even when i was just a little girl barely 7years, i remember hating so much to visit this one relative of my grandmom just because of her bathroom...jadi boleh bayang camne perasaan nya ..i was geli nak mati using an unknown's bathroom erkkkkkk....entah lah...it is so not me lah..i just ikut aje cakap org masa tu...ha..ha..ha..that was one funny experience..
eh...mana lak makcik urut ni tak sampai sampai......makcik urut ni pulak terhangat di pasaran...mmg sebok manjang...afi siang siang tadi dah tegur "eh mummy pakai kain batik?"...i still have some ok yg belum dijahit jadi seluar ha..ha...ada yg siap jadi cam pyjamas...cool kan..batik kita wajah kita....gituuuuuu...meraban aku ni....
Lawak je nko ni. Dah la stress kerja...balik umah...stress anak anak pulak kan. Come join me balik kampung...tak de marah marah pun sebab sibuk dok rindu merindu aje. LOL.
Hahahaha .... Lawak cerita ngko nie ....memang meraban le tu ....
Aku selalu gi urut once a month or one in two months ...best cangat!!!! Rasa ringan badan ....
Gelak sorang2 aku baca bebelan si Liz nih.. *confuse*
kahkah lawak...lawak
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