Hi it's me again...ok now back to kisah jalan jalan cari makan...no.. no.....jalan jalan rehat kan diri ...bahana renovation yg gemilang, our vacation is now confined to Malaysia tanah air tercinta...
This is our trip to Avillion hotels....we are members of Avillion Vacation clubs, so we got these vouchers for avillion hotels, 2 in Pd and one in Melaka. So we hopped from one to another and our first destination was Avillion Admiral Cove, Port Dickson.
The room...ours is Straits Studio , I think...we have nice view from our balcony....betul lah..i did try my best...to feeling feeling look at the sky.....sunset..sunrise...Duan mula mengungkit kat Bali seha bangun ngigau ngigau lepak tepi pantai ha..ha..ha....tak romantic langsung kan?

This was where i "landing"...suci kaki akak tu :)

They have like 3 sections of one big pool--kids love it....kids dgn swimming pool kan...semacam punya addicted..Ahmad Aariz jugak tidurrr.

The lobby...nice huh...I think this hotel is not bad at all...The building and decoration is very colonial....

So sekian....our next hop is
Avillion PD...that hotel d bomb of the rangkaian yg Avillion ada..
Cun cun gambar...suka tgk the happy faces. Surprisingly photo cun cun...camera dslr baru ke? Lariiiiii.
Cantek gambar ...siap ada shot of sunset, views and what not ...and you guys muka happy ...cuma muka along gontel jer takde ..why???
Paling takleh blah is shot kaki tu .... Lol GGG
tengok sapa tangkap lah...ke fendi ni menganjing aje??? Jahat ehhh
laki aku tu kena simpan tak leh over expose ha..ha..ha...
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