When this photos were taken, perasaan berkecamuk. Ada happy, worry, sedih, ghairah...macam macam ada lah. Almaklum, first time nak pergi ke negara orang. At least liz and duan have each other. I was alone. At that time I had no clue who else from PPP was going to the same Uni. Thank God, I survived.
Guess where were eat and ejin that time? I knew eat release tension dgn makan garlic bread Pizza Hut. What about ejin? Where were you ejin masa tu?
Entah macam mana masa nak ke UK pun kita dapat same flight. Dah takdir kita ni adik beradik diff parents.He he he. Transit kat Paris. Ingat tak kak long kejutan budaya kat Airport tu. Nak beli potato chips pun terketaq ketaq nak membayar in Pounds Sterling. I still remember, liz paid almost RM10 for a packet of potato chips. Sandwich and coffee cost us RM25. Mahal nak mampos. Naik flight Air France pulak dapat Turkey Sandwich. Sume tak berani nak makan takut tak halal. Kelaparan giler kita masa tu. Sampai je Malaysian Hall sume makan macam 10 hari tak jumpa makanan. Pastu biler nak pi uni masing masing. I felt so lonely. Masa tu nyesal pun ada
geram pun ada sebab tak dapat choose same Uni dgn liz and duan.
That was the beginning of our journey kat Negara Orang.
kah..kah..kah...my god we look like....lost of words lah..with our baggy pant...and our suit...do you guys still have the suits...mine and duan's dah buang mana tak tahu
Mine dahe t terbakar masa my mom's house terbakar last year. Sedih...uhuk uhuk.
kah..kah..kah..biarlah terbakar, nak pakai pun muat kat peha je seluar tu....
maybe not, silap2 baru sampai betis fendu pun dah sendat, don't even mention the peha.. hahaha
Liz, u look exactly like darling, ke, darling look like you?
Duan macam pilot plak!
hari tu macam khir toyo, now,pilot pulak.. apa lagi la lepas ni..
Kurus nye Fend.....Fid tak suruh ngko diet pas tengok gambar nie??? Apa comment Misha???
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