Tempat ni mula2nya church, tapi lepas Islam masuk Turkey, turned to a grand mosque. tapi sekrg dah jadi museum.
Posing depan this 5-star hotel in Bursa, en route to the ski mountain, Uludag. Tidur 2 malam kat sini. Nice hotel, food pun better compared to our Okra Royal Hotel kat Istanbul.

I ate this sausage, rupa buruk tapi sedap coz banyak spices.. Hahahaha!!
We had lunch up here, so, naik snowmobile is the only transport up here. Another route is by ski-ride

Cantik interior Hagia Sophia tu ..and that snow sungguh memanggil2 hehehe ...glad you had a great time (merempit pun merempit lah) ...you deserve a break after kerja cam org giler selama nie ...
WOW. terpegun...dulu tgk gambar member gi turkey...cuma gambar bangunan aje...meletops trip nko ni eat. cantiknya pemandangan kat situ. Ejin...tempat ni dah masuk dalam wish list nko ke tak?
akhirnya ita muncul lagi....tempat mmg awesome tapi nak tany lah kan , mende punya posting " menuju ke tempat bas"...adoiiii
Liz, maksud tersirat tu.. Hanya bas aje yg paham.. haha!!
wahhh another option kalau nak pegi places yg ade snow...
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