Last thursday Fid, Ej and I had CNY treat dinner with my ex colleague and her family kat Anjung Kayangan Pandan Indah. It is a roof top restaurant...and we could see KL view from there. This place used to be water theme park but it was long time closed and turned to a restaurant. Ada steamboat, ala cart local cuisine and some western dishes. Steamboat to boleh nak ambik buffet or set or ala cart. Murah murah je.

Kesan kesan peninggalan water theme park. Water river dah jadi kolam ikan.

Pandan Indah view

My ex colleague Siew Ping and husband, Melvin...dah more than 10 years we knew each other. Dulu masa mula mula start kerja...I learnt pasal programming and project management from her.

BAck ground to KL view. So happened lak malam tu ada festival for Hokkien...and banyak la bunga api and we could see clearly from the restaurant.

Sebab mahal photo ni...kena ambik 2 kali. GGG.

Yi Xin...This girl is co cute and sangat la berhemah. Baru 3 years plus...and pandai makan sendiri secara tertib. Lemah lembut ayu style. Nak dengar suara dia pun sayup sayup je.

Masa ni everyone was looking at bunga api tapi tak sempat aku nak snap bunga api tu pun habis.

Biler dah lama sikit baru the girl tak malu malu nak berposing. Masa mula mula tu...dia tunduk je.

After the dinner we let the girls layan tengok ikan for a while. Everyone was happy laughing and crack jokes. Since it was school day we were not able to stay longer. Memasing nak kena kerja and sekolah. We had great time makan makan and catch up things. Thanks to Siew Ping for belanja the dinner.

Kasi can EJ posing jiwang kat tapak lama water theme park tu.
aku nampak Misha cam dah temban :-)
Memang tembam...suka makan ice cream and junk food.
yelah aku pun nk komen bab misha and tengok tengok miss gina pun ckp yg sama...sehati sejiwa kite :)
hehehe dari dulu dah sehati sejiwa ...hehehe cuma aku terrer lagi bab muncung dari ngko LOL
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