Main ski resort at Mount Uludag.
Actual journey is by bus from Istanbul, then ferry, then another 2hr on the bus sampai Bursa. After Bursa, naik cable car to Mount Uludag. Keluar aje cable car, these buses tunggu to transport ke 2 main ski resorts.
A scary ride sbbnye drive dia bawak sikit punya laju, padahal the roadway was actually covered in ice.. Scary!

This is a view of a museum of Turkish Islamic Culture, this building used to be a university, but now converted to museum..

View on the ferry. Similar to Penang Ferry. Cars parked downstairs and everyone duduk atas.. Note the pink cadillac? Nice one...

Ferry ride was abt 40mins, so sempat makan2 semek (that round roti covered in sesame) n ntah apa2 food..

These seagulls actually follow the ferry along the way waiting for ppl to feed them. Caranya is cubit semek tu, then throw to the air, suprisingly, those seagulls terus ngap! WOW!!

What a sight tapi tak bleh lama2.. Bleh beku duduk kat luar ni lama2..
Turkish Fish Market.. along our way to lunch..
This is at Istanbul Palace, where Uthmaniyyah Sultanate ruled Turkey at that time. sempat tgk upacara change of guards.

oooo guard betul rupanya..aku ingatkan patung tadi ... gambar makanan takde ke? hehehehe
Makanan takde sbb semua kureng menyelerakan.. Haha!!
agak agaknya Lizduan sesuai tak buat lawatan ke sini. Untuk Fenfid...i think more ke tak sesuai...sebab tak suka museum. part main kat gunung merempit tu suka la.
tapi cun view
hahahaha aku suka tempat nie ...tapi kalau pi sendiri, turkey tersenarai agak jauh le compared to London (kampung halaman), Cairo, Siam Reap, Sydney, Vancouver, Christchurch etc etc ..utk Lizduan and Fendifid mmg tak sesuai ....LOL
kite...???tak de nampak mall pun???so paham paham je lah....eat kau ni punya photography skill kena belajar dgn ejin!
Liz, maafler skill photography aku kureng. Masalah utama ialah kesejukan melampau, sampai tangan beku plus manage camera/phone dengan gloved hands tu agak susah.. Sorang engineer dlm trip ni pun terpaksa beli new camera sbb camera dia jatuh, main culprit, tangan beku.. haha!!
Mall? Ada jugak tapi tak singgah ler Cik Liz ooi..
skil apenya...dia snap photo guna camera...yang tu kena belajar from Fid. Ejin ambik photo guna camera.
fend , aku tak paham komen kau ni??
dia terlupa tulis camera fon kat the first sentence tu kot .....mcm students aku, kiter kena analysis sendiri maksud ayat dia hehehe
Assalamualaikum..nompang tanya, u ols pergi bulan berapa ni...kalo bulan june still ada salji tak?
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