*****I should have captured some "before" pictures with pokok pokok--tak lah buruk sgt gini---now i got to dig old photos--for my later before and after posting****
Let's go back to the last 12 years when we bought this house in 1999, the year we moved to Kuantan after raising our white flag to Kuala Lumpur--KL is just too tough for a young couple with a baby and household accumulated salary of less than RM3K--ok take out your tissues...wahahahahaha. 

So as a believer, we decided that we need to "hijrah" for the benefits of the family.
Once here, we first rented a house in Semambu then about a month or so , we managed to find this house...the cheapest corner lot for god sake kah..kah..kah..tak jadi aku nak sedih...early 2000 we moved in, we were the first owner to moved in --second actually, the first was tnb staff--he must be able to tarik letric--we only moved in when CF were available... When other people busied doing renovation , polished the floor etc etc --we happily moved in without doing all that ...polishing was done with my two bare hands, to grind the broken marble cost about RM500 -- and we didnt have that 500...sob..sob..sob...

entah mana korang masa tu kalau dak mahu aku pinjam 500hinggit tak lah jenuh aku menyental ! Cukup sedih tak ni... ?
I bet everyone went thru certain hardship at certain point in life--the impact and kind of hardship could be varied from one person to another. I think those experiences made us more matured and the taste of victory to come out from all that is priceless...looking back we can smile and laugh!

So we had the front first...it has been 5 days now....

So far so good.... Aariz still managed to get his nap without a sound!

chubby nyer Aariz!!!! geram aku tengok!
Huhuhu masa korang pindah Kuantan, aku baru ke UK ...hence, explaining our long period of silence :-)
Fendi pun baru kahwin jugak kan?
2000 kan tahun Misha lahir ...so yes, dia honeymoon lagi that year ...
Tang mana aku nak sedih ni. Mood posting pun happy jek. Tetiba je lost contact...padan muka 500 nak pinjam pun x dapat.
I think after nko pindah ke kuantan kita lost contact. 1998 till 2000...our tough time...masing masing teraba raba membina kehidupan. Commitment yg banyak and we went through the hard time on our own. Biler dah slowly recover baru kita berjumpa balik and maka terlahir la blog vogue lagi happening ni. So nak kata susah senang kita bersama tak leh...sebab time susah kita sendirian berhad.
kah...kah..kah...tak sedih ke..???kah..kah..kah...yelah kite bersama masa tengah tak cukup umur--- pas tu hilang...masa interval yg payah...sebab tengah kalut tu yg nak cari kawan pun tak de mood , banyak benda lain nak pikir--kalut sungguh kan?
Kau dulu lah cite sedih tahap air mata darah kah..kah..kah..
hahahahahahaha ....betul jugak kata fendu ... zaman susah mostly kiter sorang2 sebab lost contact dulu ...tapi yang penting now dah bersama kembali :-)
Itu la progress in life. Dulu minum air suam for breakfast...tak gitu kak long? Mlm buat speggeti goreng...He he he...now biler ada rezeki lebih tu...sambil sambil minum latte...makan ikan patin tempoyah...imbas la kenangan lama...yang mendewasakan kita.
Eh! I did menziarah LizDuan masa duduk apartment tu kan Liz?
Aariz is sooooo bulat..
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