we came a long way....from the day we were just friends in 1991 and officially an item in 1992.
All the decisions taht we made on our relationship have been fairly easy and exclusively between us....(ps: that's why we have problem undersatnding when people take ages to decide on things)...maybe being eldest kot...as for me, i made my own decision about my life as early as when i was 13 years old..school, study, what i want to be--all on my own--semua dapat ilham dari langit :). Allah Maha Mengetahui so niat dan perbuatan kena betul---i am reminding myself ...Dr M kata "melayu mudah lupa"...ya gamaknya.. .
There were obstacles here and there --quarrels--we are human kan?but alhamdulillah we made it thru alright these far--all that important is to stick to each other...and be sincere and trustworthy to one another...i read in a paper few months back, a makcik said there were hundreds of times, she thought of killing her husband but not a single second have she ever thought of a divorce---so patience is the key but of course patience depends on circumstances jugak..

There were obstacles here and there --quarrels--we are human kan?but alhamdulillah we made it thru alright these far--all that important is to stick to each other...and be sincere and trustworthy to one another...i read in a paper few months back, a makcik said there were hundreds of times, she thought of killing her husband but not a single second have she ever thought of a divorce---so patience is the key but of course patience depends on circumstances jugak..
and to make a successful marriage, i think whatever decisisons made no matter how small and insignificant, have to go thru that "marriage department" before conclusion is made....there is no more YOU and I but what's good for US.

I also always believe...god made a man to be a head of a family and a "pemimpin" for a reason, thus man has to be matured and uphold the responsibilities right. To certain extend, i think the high rise in divorce is due to this...man just forget or do not understand responsibilities...I am not being sexist but that's what i think....
Ok ok back to us...so happy anniversary to my husband and myself...there's someone who asked me when was the best year.....how do i answer that...there's no BEST year..if i chose then-the PAST- how can i omit what we have NOW..especially the kids---
I cant choose NOW, as NOW is the outcome of going through the PAST... As they said an anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow.......I totally agree with this sayings., there's a friend who ended their marriage after 20 years--tomorrow is really only a hope but we got to work on it to make it happen.

Last but not least, dear husband thank you for putting up with me...you guys should know that i am not always sweet and sensible :D---there were days when i can be a pain in the ass...SHHHHHH !
happy anniversary! alalalala ..sweet nyer posting nie :-)
tak cerita pun peranan kekawan (i.e. aku and fendu) kah kah kah ....
so sweet entry ni..:)
moga hubungan kalian dipanjangakn hingga hujung nyawa.Insya Allah.
heiii thanks ...sweet ke? 5 hari 5malam punya mengarang wahahahaha...
peranan kekawan...yes posting lain lah pulak dari first outing ke UM ke PD ke ukur cincin ke lain lain kegilaan....fuhhh lama kite berkawan ya...
Congrates. Happy anniversary. Tua nya korang. Each of us ada play certain roleskan...but happy to see the outcome. In few yrs to come...anak anak msk college pulak.
Liz...ape kata nko buat posting pasal zaman suram kita pape kedana masa bsru dapat kerja dgn korang dah ada afi. Rasa nak mrenanges.
adoiii cite zaman suram kang menitik nitik air mata darah..kah..kah..kah...ok will do...jenuh 10 hari 10 malam pulak aku buat karangan
ayoooo ...zaman suram? mesti sediakan tisu dulu sebelum baca :-)
tapikan, in life, you take the bad and the good ...takleh nak memilih zaman2 best ajer ...hidup bagai putaran roda (chewahhhh)
Happy Anniversary LizDuan....
Many more happy years okay!!
Thanks to Fend and Eat jugak..
Ejin , you are so right about teh roda thing :)
Cuma yg sadnya time tu...we do not have each other around to support memasing. Kita struggle in battle sendirian. Syukran we survive with some sorts of pain la tapi. Tapi itu la kehidupan.
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