And not to mention..maharaja lawak jugak..boleh jugak ketawa...

We only need mangkuk2 kuah aje...and with the recent renovation, extra kitchen cabinet-available space...after 16 years of marriage, baru lah kite beli those kalau tak gigih i used whatever available plus a free bowl from Darlie--
seriously... ha..ha..ha..I believe in practicality...ada guna and ada space, baru belilah...kalau tak menyemak rumah aje...mula aku nak membuang aje. Bibik cakap, kalau rumah dia dekat bestnya...boleh dia angkut balik rumah ....I wish the same too...for her to work forever for me....:(
Anyway, ni nak cite about "plating" which is a direct influence from masterchefs lah ni...To do plating, you need the right dinnerware jugak...and accordg to masterchefs kan , kalau boleh semua mesti white..and thus, we have bought ourselves a new set of pinggan mangkuk untuk kuah/dishes. All white...besar besar happened those white dinnerware is currently on sales at parkson...70%...serious! Murah bangat...kalau harga sebijik 90 hinggit mati aku tak beli.
All my dinnerware was bought during uni, back in the UK...we are using Johnson's brothers and Doulton Home...
ingat ingat nak tambah kat Msian yg fana ni...tup tup tengok harga walaweeeiiii...but we dont really need the extra plates...have got 2 sets cukup dah.

So here are some of our recent dinner with proper "plating".

Plate outih putih camni kat damansara aku selalu nampak. Macam macam bentuk.
mmg byk white dinnerware ni tapi baru nampak yg on discount...70percent so sgt cheap ...baru lah kita beli :)
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