Tak ke...the fettucuni cabonara ni sama dgn yg Duan masak? That mussels made me miss that Shogun in KL...sob...sob..sob...

A journey of friendship, our hope and despairs, our love for food and travel, our fantasy & reality
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Bye bye Bibik
Kita cuti hari ni...hantar bibik fomema...then adib sakit telinga so gi check...taik telinga dia dah keras sangat, doctor tak leh nak korek...kena ubat titis for the next one week...then datang semula...Medical check up bibik aje separuh hari...why??? dia dok kencing sikit sikit....mesti berterabur ni...ha..ha..ha...so minum semula tunggu shoo..shooo...semula sampai penuh...pas tu tunggu nak check adib...ada jugak sorang insan lain taik telinga keras jugak...org dewasa lak...kena tunggu lagi....
Oh by the way, my Bibik Rosma dah balik negeri last sunday...sad jugak...she is the best lah among all the bibiks that we have employed...dia boleh run on her own, i dont have to check on her...tahu semua beres. Last week we had a farewell lunch with both bibiks...yes, i have a replacement already (bibik yg bawa check up tu lah). The new bibik is Bibik Yani....she's 31 and from Batam...insyallah nampak nya ok.Hopefully fomema clear and she works dengan jujurnya....
That lunch we had was like two in one. It was also to celebrate Aimran's birthday. Gitu save budget he...he..he..Nampak theme of the day tu?...hebat tuhhhh ha...ha..ha...sajalah having fun...the hotel manager actually noticed our theme and mentioned it..and i told him "i am following your blue and grey theme"...kebetulan the hotel is having blue and grey for their christmas deco. 

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Tema kotak kotak - nice!
Hope bibik baru nie as good as your last one ..teringat lagi, korang ambik Rosma masa our first reunion trip kan? hehehe pasni sure fendi akan komen pasal apartment tu LOL
Xde kena mengena aprtment tu dgn bibik.
Tema tu meletops. Aku dah passed zaman kotak kotak...now masuk stripe pulak.
Bestkan kalau ada bibik yg reliable and bagus. Aku dah lupa umah tu ada washing machine dwngan iron. Lol.
aku prefer stripes than kotak :-) dari dulu LOL
best ada bibik kalau reliable, kalau tak reliable mahu pening dibuatnya ...
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