Anyway...i started using SK II back in Dec2009, then was when i realised that my skin needs extra care...not that i have any facial problems...but being in this fast lane, we cant just ignore the potential and early sign of freckles, blemish la...and i thought we cant wait for the crow's feet to start fixing that was how SKII came about.
Now, I am a faithful user for 2years. I feel that the products has done good to me, basically you can observe and feel the difference at the same time. Feedback from third parties has been quite promising also...waahhahha. I recently realised that I actually have the whole range of this SKII product and i was all overly excited and that what brought me into this writing.
Tips for sharing--and they said Sharing is Caring-especially for those who are like me~~ the working class and ingin berbelanja dgn berhemah--kelas ayat tu.....kalau kaya tahap mega you can skip and MOVE TO GO!..ok......thank you...

1. You guys should know that we can collect points with our purchase--Points can be redeemed at every 1000 threshold.
2. The point redemption goodies, they are mostly those products that u use occassionally...more like for monthly pampering
3. We are also entitled for some freebies on all purchase (I think) or maybe above certain Ringgit amount--they are mainly miniatures for travelling and facial mask
4.I only shop in Parkson (for SKII) and please make sure that you only replenish your stock on last friday of the month i.e. the Bonuslink Day ...apart from the 5Xbounuslink points that you can are also entitled for Parksons vouchers...tak ingat pulak amount berapa dapat berapa...I think 10/20 for every 150 spent.

5. The cleanser, toner and moisteriser can last for 6 months--at the rate i am using which is not kedekut at all..
6. The Essence water which is also known as the Miracle Water.... really does wonders tau...1 bottle lasts me for 3 months...I know some may use it a little longer. There is a difference in applying this essence between the US and Msia SK II's website...The msian one requires us to use the facial cotton, but the US routine, simply pour it on the palm and apply...I opt to use the american way because I feel it goes into my skin more than stay in the facial cotton...i dont know- try both ways and decide. last thing...the points recording is not automatic i.e. they dont have membership chipped card or something, the customer service will need to manually key in into their system. Please record your purchase. It happened to me just 2 weeks ago...i wanted to redeem my points and realised that they are short by 1200 points....thanks to my bb where i keep all d important notes...yes i keep track on my SKII purchase sebab nak sukat ha..ha..ha... Anyway sib baik i have my record, ask the fellow to check ...check punya check tak de...i asked her to check by amount...ada and it went to another account and the best part was hamba Allah tu dah redeem...untung dia...dan me, yes i got my points. Bahaya kan? One of the reason i have to leave the bank...takut silap macam ni....
Itu aje...if you are looking for skincare and beauty products, perhaps you can try this...If you follow my tips, and do some maths = costs per year/number of products and costs per year/12--i think they are not too bad....affordable insyallah.....but I still prefer to purchase them without having my dear hubby he..he..he....pecah dah rahsia...
Mahal la datin product ni. Ramai kata bagus tapi poket tak bagus...susah jugak leee.
Heheheheh .....betol kata Fendi ....
starts with the essence water...then nanti tambah2 lagi...
Aku pakai Kose punya set ...
Kose pun not cheap, try that with essence water lah
Kose pun ada dia punya version of essence water jugak ...japanese products maaaa ...sama lah kan ngan set set SKII
salam.saya setuju bab math calculation tu sbb sy pun buat kira2 mcm tu :)
skidg8--yes, berbelanja dgn berhemah...he..he...sedap kan hati !
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