April 3rd, was my dear hubby's birthday..... "
then what Liz?" .... it's a big problem when u feel like writing but you cant find the words in your head. I just read PY posting on duan's birthday, last year he was away at his reban on his birthday.... this year he's home with us..but he initially wanted to go to the reban later in the evening because one of the operation staff was on emergency leave.. he told me on friday, and at that very moment i lost half of my mood of celebrating....but i didnt make any remarks ..anyway i think definitely you can tell from my face expreession...i can never hide my feeling especially my anger! It's kind of difficult at times because i am no SAINT...there's a devil inside me which giving devilish thought like he doesnt even care to celebrate his birthday with us...but my little miss saint told me, it's work call! So in balancing the two, i just kept quiet...and thought "whatever"...
Then later, next day or same day ..i cant recall , he told me it is not necessary anymore as the person is back to the reban again...Thanks Allah for again granting my wishes..

To celebrate we went to have lunch at
Swiss Garden Hotel... i was craving for their Beef Ribs but they were out of rib that day...sakitlah...It was late lunch so two of us take the high tea buffet...the choices was a lot and tasty....

As for birthday present, i dont get him anything apart from the lunch he..he..he.. you tell me , what can i get in this Kuantan? There are not many labels here --and i am a label freak!..and definitely limited choices.... It is kind of nice if we can make surprises but not everybody like to be surprised and Duan is one of them, so until our next trip down to KL ...insyallah if i still remember he..he..he.. dear husband..i wish that your happiness will be as wonderful as the happiness you have always given me and more......
with much love on your birthday!!
Happy birthday Gon ...wishing you lots of happiness, best of health and prosperity (yang last tu biler masyukkkk, share share ngan adik beradik yea:-)
by the way, apasal Gon nampak cam kurus ajer kat gambar first tu? sure camera trick!
foodnya nampak sedap sedap.
and takde ikan patin in the menu plak tu ...
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