Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 2: Part 1 Shopping sakan di Bandung

Tujuan utama datang ke Bandung ....shopping, shop till we all drop! Aku bangun awal gak le ...sebab janji ngan pak supir (we ask the hotel to arrange for us the day before) utk kuar jam 9 pagi ...so, by 8 aku dah turun breakfast ...budak berdua tu bangun lambat hehehehe sebab salah set alarm hehehehe ...after breakfast yang ala kadar ajer, we all keluar to start percutian hari ke-2 ....

first destination was Jalan Dago ....last trip aku tak brapa khatam area nie ...sebab aku ngan Fendifid kan pi Tangkuban Prahu ...so, this time round aku balas dendam ...masuk kedai kol 9 lebih and we just go on non-stop till kol 9.30 malam balik hotel ..cuma stop for lunch at Restoren Sederhana (nasi padang) and dinner at Resto Sangkuriang ajer ...

Gambar2 masa bershopping takde sebab masing2 busy ..yang ada adalah gambar biler berjumpa kat luar kedai ...hehehe ....

 hasil dari dua kedai pertama ...

on the way to the House of Donatello

Ms Yeti can't decide on which shoes she wants ...LOL ...

muka kecewa sebab kasut yang dia nak takde saiz :-) 
tapi takpe, i just got a sms from her saying that kat Makassar juga ada House of Donatello and she already grab a pair hehehehe balas dendam kata nyer. Kiky sedang berada di Makassar sekarang for her field work ...

menunggu Kiky beli kasut ...

posing kat entrance Secret (Jalan Riau) ...our 2nd last stop for the day

Our last stop was Heritage kat Jalan Riau ...by that time pun dah 8.45 pm ....penat tak terkata ..aku suka Heritage sebab dia accept credit card hehehe ...terus happy muka aku sebab after a whole day of shopping ruppiah dah abis ...masuk Heritage plak lifeline disambung oleh credit card ...happy sangatttttttt ...abis shopping baru masing2 fikir nak makan ...that night we all plan to have dinner kat Kampung Daun, but have to be postponed sebab abis shopping pun dah dekat kol 9 malam ...so, w went to Sangkuriang Resto ajer ...posting akan menyusul ...

P/S Malas nak tayang hasil shopping aku kat sini ...but suffice to say, penuh katil le kalau aku susun satu persatu ...hehehe puas ati, sampai ari nie aku masih memakai baju baju turun kerja ....shopping di Bandung buat aku rasa cam nak shopping dan shopping lagi :-)


Liz Duan said...

yang rambut panjang Tijot kan...i like the shoes yg dia try tu...cantik nyeeee....
ohhhh i miss Bandung!

Ejin said...

yes that's Tijot tapi nama dia di Bandung is Ms Yeti ..hehehe sebab org tu salah type nama dia on our train ticket ..by the way, dia jadi beli kasut tu hehehehe

aku yang baru balik a week ago pun dah miss shopping in Bandung! Now dok cari cheap flight ke Bandung la nie ...

fendifid said...

nko shopping baju aje ke? tak shopping paintings?

Ejin said...

this time round cuma focus on clothing and kasut ajer ...lagipun tak pi Jalan Braga (tempat sedara Liz tu LOL)...even Pasar Baru pun tak pi sebab tak de intention nak beli kain2 camtu ...

Unknown said...

Nak tanya berapa kos Pak Supir tu yer??

primera trans said...

Cuti cuti Bandung with family
And get our amazing tour package for 4 Days 3 Night..
▪ 4 pax price about 940K/94sgd/284RM

▪ 5 Pax Price about 870K/87sgd/264 RM

▪ 6 Pax price about 820K/82Sgd/246 RM

▪7 Pax price about 785K/78.5Sgd/238 RM

Note : Package included
▪ Daily transport included driver, fuel, tol, parking, driver meals
▪ New car with 7 seater, full Aircon
▪ Daily mineral water
▪ Breakfast daily from hotel
▪ Daily tour (as costumer request)
▪ Hotel 3 star with 2 person inside
▪ Airport pickup and drop
▪ Tax and service
Hotel choice 🏤🏣🏢
▪ Tebu hotel ( riau street )
▪ Fave braga (inside shoping mall)
▪ Kembang hotel (cihampelas jeans street, cihampelas walk shoping mall )
▪ Citra dream hotel (walking distance to pasar baru)
▪ Dbest hotel pasar baru (with pool)

More detail you can contact us
Primera Trans Bandung
Whatsapp : +6285 318 49 0001
Gmail : primeratrans@gmail.com
Path : Primera trans
Facebook : Primera Trans Bandung

Happy holiday all🎶🎵📍📍🎉