So this one hot from the oven which took place last weekend. Anak my aunty Ana--namanya Izni Fatin--she was the little gal acted in Tragedi October with Awie and Erra...yg keje melalak aje tu ...itu lah dia...she is always very slender...kurush..agak senyap sikit...and Duan every year tot she was form 3 tahu tahu dah kawin..
The akad was held at my aunty's place-- as usual my aunty kalau buat kenduri mmg sepenuh hati...the semua before kita letak gambar kita n lepas kita...kite lagi...i start off with the bride's friend tanya i tadi.."kak liz mana gambar pengantin nya?"..baru lah ku sedar bahawasanya...i was so shiok sendiri dok tepek muka sendiri ha..ha..ha...sabor lah senah...actually ada gambar fatin kite letak tapi gambar kita yg macam dihighlight kan sgt-- aku kata yg ko pandang muka aku je kenapa ha..ha..ha..tak gitu????
During the akad tu i was sitting with my Mak Ana-- and she was so worried sebab Izni was menyeringai all the way on the pelamin ha..ha..ha..tetiba aunty aku jadi conservative sgt kan...malas akak..ha..ha..I told my aunt ..haiyo org yg dok snap pictures sana sini kena smile like smiley lah...kang tak cantik gambar bayar memahal photograper ...sapa nak jawap tu...he...after all family aje ada...kalau org nak ngata ko selimut atas pelamin org cari jer benda nak ngata ...tak gitu???? Pastu cameraman sekarang suruh pose ...ko tengok as above...tak delah posing sorang duduk sorang letak tangan atas peha bersimpuh....then sorang duk atas bnagku sorang letak tangan atas bahu...that was ancient ...way past beyond time lah....ha..ha..ha.. time changed....redha je lah...Nanti time anak kita walaweiiii enggak mahu komen lah...kite tengok je lah nanti
Kita...Aariz tak ikut...dia tak boleh crwod macam untuk keselesaan mummy and abah Aariz and keselesaan Aariz jugak...Aariz tinggal dgn bibiknya...Mummy bagi girl guides promise trip mummy bawak Aariz...
I think the bridemaids are the most loveliest that you can get in town lah...semua tu sedara mara my uncle side...adorable..comel lote semua...Siap ada tarian bagai tapi entah napa tak sempat nak snap pictures...perhaps i was melopong tengok the dance kot.

Sebok sangat mak ana suruh jugak i jemput all my friends tapi mana ada kawan kat JB--yg ada tu pulak kebetulan berjalan pulek ke tak de parents in laws and adik ipar did turun and join the party.
So my dearest Fatin..or Kak Tin for the boys...wishing u all the best...marriage is not an easy thing is not fairy tales that ends happily ever after right after that wedding is more than that...takes a lot of patience...compromising...a gamble indeed..but do gamble to win with common goal between you .....insyallah...with common goal , Allah will lead the way...Amin!
Meriahnya wedding. Pengantin pun comel comel. Ok je baju nko. Warna seakan akan.
Pasal pengantin posing posing tu memang dah trend dah sekarang. Ada gaya bebas la. Jerit la. Yg penting fun.
cantik le pengantin ...and I love her green dress tu! Btw Liz, before you know it, ngko akan jadi mother of the groom ok! Dah bujang anak ngko tu :-) si afi jumpa gf pulak kat wedding tu ...ala ala ala...
Oohh izni fatin sama sebaya ngan kita dulu satu sekolah rendah kt convent n dulu bulan puasa selalu jumpa dia dok jln kaki tiap hari ptg2 gi bazar kt larkin perdana dekat area umh dia time tu tlg my family niaga.. ptg2 je msti nmpk dia lalu.. izni ni dri kecik zmn sekolah dh cantik.. bila dh remaja makin lah lawa
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