A journey of friendship, our hope and despairs, our love for food and travel, our fantasy & reality
Ayam kampung soup....I think everybody knows how to cook chicken soup...just make sure you have celery, daun soup , daun bawang ...because without them , it wont taste as yummy...usually i would include tomato in my soup but for this one , the chef used asam keping instead...
Steaming hot chocolate pudding! Sedappppp
Kat Bintulu - pun ok gak. We managed to do everything that we need to do in one day. But yang bestnyer malam tu ada dinner - served for 10 people in their VIP room tapi yang makannya (or should I say melantak) only 5 org ...fun! Bintulu - nothing much to see or do. I just stay in my room (aku tak tau ada rooftop swimming pool kat Lee Hua Hotel) buat kerja ...and kami sanggup lepak kat airport for more than 3 hours than jalan kat situ. Bos aku sms awal pagi kata "lets lepak kat airport. will be better than this cave"...
Then, the final leg of the trip is Sibu. Sampai lewat petang so nothing to do yesterday. Today dah reckki abis satu Sibu nie - from setinggan to kampung-kampung to low cost housing area...penat. Makan tak berapa best ...malam nie aku tapau kfc je ...huhuhu huge different from our VIP dinner kat Bintulu or our sumptous buffet kat Miri ...tapi hotel dia kelas sket ...am staying at the 12th floor (exec floor) at RH Hotel...hotel baru, so everything is quite new, fresh ...tapi buffet breakfast dia tak brapa best ...maybe sebab hotel nie penuh la nie ngan org2 dari Jabatan Pendidikan - ada courses, seminar and even interview JPA kat sini this week...choices of food is limited. Pagi tadi aku turun tengok most of the food dah nak abis ....kuat melantak org pendidikan nie pepagi kot ...hehehehe
Sunset over the mighty Rajang River, view from my room earlier this evening
So, that was a week of my life....enjoy gak travel mcm nie...seeing new places sambil kerja. Kalau tak kerana kerja aku rasa susah aku nak ke sini. Bukan apa, takde sebab nak ke sini. This is my first trip to Sibu ...and my room is overlooking the mighty Rajang River ...alah, sungai yang terpanjang di Malaysia tu ...hehehehe aku pun baru tengok!