Habis makeup mommynya di kejekan. In few years time I believe EJ will ask us to buy make up for her birthday present. La ni she is aiming for kasut yang ada roda 1 kat belakang tu. The one we bought dulu dah tak muat dah. Ala kasut yang macam Zahid AF2 pakai pastu nyaris tergolek dog atas stage. Aku tak berapa gemar sebenornya kasut tu. I find it irritating.
We only have 1 hour for dinner so we decided to go for Nandos. Punyalah ramai orang time ni. Order sikit je takut tak sempat nak makan banyak. Ej ordered mocha smooties pastu aku yang kena habiskan. Chicken soupnya sedap walaupun rotinya keras.
After dinner, ngam ngam we have 5 minutes before the movie starts. See the happy faces macam tak pernah tengok movie diorang ni kan. Since Ej have tutorial and fid works on Saturday memang susah nak catch midnite show. Tu yang happy je biler dapat tengok movie hari ni.
Sempat lagi posing before entering the cinema. Ej was so excited to see her heartrob banner -zac afron and macam biasalah dok nyanyi she want to see the movie "17 again". Ada modal aku dgn fid nak suruh dia belajar rajin rajin and buat homework lagi. Layan...kids kan memang kena "rasuah sunat" sikit for their motivation.
After movie we had photo session with the formula one and BMW cars. Cun kan BMW tu. Masa ni dah kol 11pm so tak ramai orang. Senang sikit nak bergambar.
Keluar KLCC bukan terus balik umah but we singgah mamak stall pekena teh dgn tosey. Order tosey 1 je...share.
Ej as usual, can't resist her fav famous amos. Nowadays we normally bought 200 grams and with macadamia nuts eventhough hardly find the nuts in the cookies. Kalau ada pun kecik kecik je nuts tu. Dulu Ej did not like macadamia nuts. If we bought only 100grams, fid and I tak dapat share. Ej sorang balun sumer kejap licin.
Puas hati Ej and mommy hari ni dapat tengok movie walaupun bukan midnight show. Aku macam biasalah sempat terlelap sekejap padahal banyak scenes yang bising dan mendebarkan. Ej sempat buat statement "tak logickan crite ni", then she laugh.
eeee...shioknyer dpt tengok wayang...the last time I was in the cinema was....was....lemme think.....more than 1 year ago? citer cina "Three Kingdom" by Andy Lau. Baru sebulan since we last saw each other, EJ dah nampak grown up a bit! cute nyer..ingat tak lagi dia? Auntie Loon Hong nie..anyway, enjoy my friends, call me kalau kalau free for gathering! later!
you guys mmg night owls lah ...btw, misha look grown up...nampaknya tak lama lagi ramai le mamat2 ertandang kat rumah you nak ajak misha keluar hehehehe ...ingat tau, musti dapat approval mak angkat dia dulu!
lupa plak....sebab korang kuar is to celebrate kan...Congratulation Misha, mama ejin is proud of your results ...keep up the good work ok ...
wah... all A's...
congrats ya
btw, terliur tgk tosey tu. dah lama giler tak makan...
Hi Amoi!!! Wa miss lu lah! Jom g dating! U n I jer.. kiter kan MBA???! ha ha ha!! Eh- dun forget to visit my blog ahh...
Hi Jinn!!! next wek kiter jmpa kan? Kiter g tgk mid nite k???
Hi Mard..aku pun dah jaddik antu tosey skrg! Dah kena mandrem by the mamak kot??? ahaks!!
Fid, aku on je ....tak kisah, korang je lah buat plan, i'll go along for the ride.
the last movie kite org tgk was bedtime stories...ancient tu...he..he.e
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