I was in JB for the weekend visiting my uncle who was recently diagnosed with a heart disease........from the words i am hearing , i think the doctor might be doing some guessing games ..i dont know...but the story is like everywhere...it revolves around the lung, high blood pressure , the valve, colestrol...and the heart is now "swollen". It hurts to see him in his condition now.....started with a bad cough particularly at nite and difficulty to breathe when lying down....he actually lost 13-15 kgs in a month and that makes him looked so frail...together with his effort trying not to show any sign of sickness and pain...
There will be another check up on july 15th...while waiting and taking the hospital medication, my uncle is now being treated with acupunture from an atok sedara who practiced in the field in Singapore. I went to see the procedure last nite and was told by the atok sedara...he feels firmly that the disease can be cure in no time...I am fairly relieve to hear this......it is all about usaha and tawakal....
To my dear friends and readers...a doa is all we need.......may Allah bless...
lega mendengar that positive hope. doa to your uncle semoga cepat sembuh.
know how you feel. my dad also has heart probs... the reason why he couldn't attend the wedding reception kat KL aritu. Nikah ceremony tu pun, dia gagah kan jugak walaupun his chest was already hurting.
my prayers & doa for your Chumad. Moga dia recover cepat & back on his feets soon!
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