I dont know when this drama actually started....to be frank i hardly watched tv3...as people start to talk about it over meals...and i alone have 3 different persons reciting the storyline to me as a persuasion for me to watch the drama....yes...the first one was a friend quite some time ago...then bibik dgn penuh perasaan - i let her finished her story due to the enthusiasm in her voice---sian pulak ...and today another friend whom i stopped at the very first sentence---tak sanggup nak dengar lagi--.thus, tonite, just now.... i watched for the second time.
My verdict...goshhh...i dont know but i feel the story is "heavy".....and baik baik sangat sampai meremang bulu roma...sikit sikit salam....lepas salam salam lagi...lepas tu salam lagi.....byk sgt salam menyalam ni....lemas akak!....
know what .......so happened, i have a friend who is not in a good term with the husband not the normal tergigit lidah incident ..more than that ...they are actually breaking up but they still salam every morning before rush to work.....i did ask her what's the purpose...she told me it is just a routine.....
So next time korang nak bersalam ---you seal it with a kiss.....letak hati dan perasaan dan kasih sayang ok...salam tu istimewa...jgn lepas salam, salam lagi gerak dua tapak jumpe semula salam lagi tapi kosong ajer.....and make sure salam with a grib jgn loose ajer...i always scold the boys on this.
Ok back to Nur Kasih....akak rimas jugak cite cite poligamy ni ....the wives dah baik ...the hubby pulak sayang situ lebih sayang sini kurang...pas tu yg sorang kahwin org kaya ..nak maid pun jadi issue...what the heck???? zaman zaman sekarang ni...kalau ade duit nape nak susah kan diri....semua benda jadi HEAVY>>>CHILL OUT LAH>>conclusion nya ..to compare with other JUNKS that the TV stations are feeding the society...NURKASIH is a different kind of santapan minda and pandangan mata....dari dok bertumbuk elok lah bersalam......and tudung pun lawa lawa tak perasan pulak sape sponsor kan? boleh gi cari.....
P/S: Missing someone....nak salam pun tak boleh...wahhhh...ahhhwahhhh