Kia Ora ...
Last weekend kitorang kat sini had a long weekend ...Labour Weekend yesterday was Labour Day ...Friday tu jalan kuar Welly sesak with people kuar from city mengingatkan aku pada bumi tercinta aku di Malaysia ..aku kalau long weekend gitu sah sah le balik cottage with the family ...kat sini apo yang ado ...friday pun aku balik kol7pm ...
Saturday plan asal ada party but at the very last hour cancel ...ribut lagi lah ....rupanya masa spring macam sekarang nie mmg selalu lah ribut ribut nie ..malas akak ended up partying the the guys flat sebelah ajer ...rupanya dorang pun nak gi party tempat kawan dorag, but tak nak kuar ribut maka buat party sendiri was great! balik flat kol 4.00am only to be woken up by the shrilling fire alarm at 9.30am on Sunday ...memang takleh buka mata ok ....have to get out of the flat sebelum firemen sampai ...kalau tak kene fine ...koser aku nak membayar fine kuar le ngan muka macam apa lagi tu ....
since dah terjaga oleh fire alarm...akak malas nak sambung tido shower siap segala bagai ...and went to suday market ..this time sebab weather so nice, akak gi the one at the waterfront ...sayur and fruits kat situ lagi mahal than my usual place at Willis Street rupa nya hahaha but takpe ...akak beli sket jer coz tak nak bazir and takde masa memasak ....plan jumpa anita and ajak lepak kat waterfront ...
the best thing about yang the one at waterfront ni is that banyak food cart! And the main reason I came pun sebab nak breakfast chimney cake hahahaha ....chimney cake is a type of pastry ...Hungarian pastry ...yang aku ambik tu is actually hazelnut coating with chocolate filling ...banyak flavour ada cinnamon, cocoa, vanila etc and filling boleh pilih apricot and satu lagi aku lupa ...that is actually half portion ...cost $6 kalau ada filling ..without filling is $5 ...sedappppppp
langit sangat sangat biru ....and the view was outstanding what we did was ..carik bench tepi harbour ...ngadap Chaffers Wharf and just sit there ...sembang ...reading ..and soaking up the sun ...and makan ...and makan ...and makan and posing
nak posing susah ooo ...angin kuat gak ...rambut melayang2 ...but now that it is spring...takde lah nak kena pakai jacket tebal2 lagi ....ringan sket kalau nak berjalan ...cardy is enough ...but then again weather NZ can bertukar sekelip mata kena baca weather forecast sebelum plan apa apa
and last sekali, harus aku tunjuk muka aku hahahaha ceria sebab hari panas ....and ceria dapat chimney cake lol
balik from there, kitorang decided to lunch dulu sebelum balik rumah masing2 ...hehehehe and we had nasi goreng ikan masin lagi mengumbirakan ati aku ....
Hehehe best weekend aku. Weather sangat bagus ..and now Kena le study ...pulun habis ....but outside still hot and lovely....Jenuh nak focus but harus setel kan kerja ...thur nie ada halloween party pulak ....
Have a nice week people ....
A journey of friendship, our hope and despairs, our love for food and travel, our fantasy & reality
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
bunga bunga jalanan 2
aloooo ...biasalah ujung minggu baru update blog ...sebab sibuk (tak larat nak explain panjang lebar) ...percaya jer lah cakap aku kalau aku kata aku sibuk ..anyway, posting nie nak temeng gambar2 bunga ajer sekarang musim bunga ..all of these are taken dalam perjalanan from my flat to my office ....less than 8 mins walk punya cerita ...
dalam banyak2 bunga kan ....bunga nie aku tak pernah tengok sebelum ni. Dont think i ever saw it kat UK pon ....cantik warna nya ...dari jauh boleh nampak ..and then tengok le tanah tempat dia tumbuh tu tanah yang tak subur jer kan .....
and this tiny white flowers berlambak2 a couple of weeks ago ...esp kat cerun depan rumah aku now aku tengok dah takde ....agak nya it only comes out masa early spring ...
and the most attractive flower is this tiny white bloom ...aku rasa cam sakura ...tapi tak dapat dipastikan coz orang yang aku tanya tak tau ...and aku plak tak tau sapa yang tau ...
I did a posting dulu ...pasal this flower ..but pokok2 tu kat jalan aku menuju ke town ...pokok2 tu semua dah tak berbunga ....daun jer menghijau ....sebab aku notis kan pokok nie togel gitu ..and then baru berbunga ....and it is such a beautiful scenery ....dah abis bunga baru daun daun baru dia akan muncul :-)
Bunga ros tak mekar lagi ...roses selalu mekar ujung spring and the whole of summer ...bunga2 nie semua akan layu by then ...macam tulip aritu kan, last week went I went to Karori, nampak le batas2 tulip tinggal dedaun ijau jer ....tunggu the gardener nak cabut and to replant with other flowers ...
last but not least, one of the common flower masa nie adalah daisies .....berlambak kat tepi tepi jalan depan rumah aku ....
aku suka spring coz of the flowers and the fact that it is warmer ...but i always have problem masa spring ...coz if hay fever ..a type of allergy to pollens .....mmg nak bersin and gatal idung ajer di buat nya ....and another thing yang dorang bagitau aku kat sini ...sesi angin ribut mmg sinonim ngan ribut ...WWW kata nya ...wet, windy welly ...last week angin kuat berturut ...sampai kuar weather warning and kat area Kelburn nie ...mmg exposed siket ....aritu angin was at 120km/hour windy but mellow ...hahaha kat sini dorang tak kisah ribut tu ...for them life goes aku pun kena biasakan diri lah :-)
dalam banyak2 bunga kan ....bunga nie aku tak pernah tengok sebelum ni. Dont think i ever saw it kat UK pon ....cantik warna nya ...dari jauh boleh nampak ..and then tengok le tanah tempat dia tumbuh tu tanah yang tak subur jer kan .....
and this tiny white flowers berlambak2 a couple of weeks ago ...esp kat cerun depan rumah aku now aku tengok dah takde ....agak nya it only comes out masa early spring ...
kalau satu cerun tu dipenuhi bunga nie, mmg nampak cantik's like a carpet of green and white ..
and the most attractive flower is this tiny white bloom ...aku rasa cam sakura ...tapi tak dapat dipastikan coz orang yang aku tanya tak tau ...and aku plak tak tau sapa yang tau ...
this one kat depan REC Centre ..and the building kat belakng tu lah bangunan opis aku ...
I did a posting dulu ...pasal this flower ..but pokok2 tu kat jalan aku menuju ke town ...pokok2 tu semua dah tak berbunga ....daun jer menghijau ....sebab aku notis kan pokok nie togel gitu ..and then baru berbunga ....and it is such a beautiful scenery ....dah abis bunga baru daun daun baru dia akan muncul :-)
tepi pokok tu le tangga curam menuju ke flat aku
Bunga ros tak mekar lagi ...roses selalu mekar ujung spring and the whole of summer ...bunga2 nie semua akan layu by then ...macam tulip aritu kan, last week went I went to Karori, nampak le batas2 tulip tinggal dedaun ijau jer ....tunggu the gardener nak cabut and to replant with other flowers ...
last but not least, one of the common flower masa nie adalah daisies .....berlambak kat tepi tepi jalan depan rumah aku ....
aku suka spring coz of the flowers and the fact that it is warmer ...but i always have problem masa spring ...coz if hay fever ..a type of allergy to pollens .....mmg nak bersin and gatal idung ajer di buat nya ....and another thing yang dorang bagitau aku kat sini ...sesi angin ribut mmg sinonim ngan ribut ...WWW kata nya ...wet, windy welly ...last week angin kuat berturut ...sampai kuar weather warning and kat area Kelburn nie ...mmg exposed siket ....aritu angin was at 120km/hour windy but mellow ...hahaha kat sini dorang tak kisah ribut tu ...for them life goes aku pun kena biasakan diri lah :-)
Saturday, October 26, 2013
work station with a view
kia ora ...
Beberapa hari lagi akan masuk 9 bulan aku kat sini ...dah masuk saat2 kritikal sebab my candidature is coming soon. Aritu plan nak target 1st Nov but tak jadi sebab my sv kini berada di China for 6 long weeks, dia ubah dateline till dec ..nama jer ubah sebulan ...but workload bertambah more than 200% ..aku gagahkan juga lah aku dah start skyping and emailing from China ....walaupun dia tak sampai seminggu dah di sana ...semangat tinggi anak didik dia nie pun harus le merajinkan diri jugak ....another reason dia semangat tinggi now is that aku lah satu2nya anak didik phd dia yang tinggal opismate, Mike dah selamat pass viva degan jaya nya awal bulan nie tadi ...and sorang lagi amanda plak baru semalam submit her thesis for examination, focus is on me, pressure jugak le ....
but berita baik was that ...i got a new work space ...kan workspace lama aku ngadap dinding ...coz at the time aku masuk bilik tu, i was the 4th person (aku selalu kata I was the dreaded fouth, tapi mike kata tipu ...coz i was the terrific 3rd!)...but charlie mmg dah submit dah masa tu always bertiga ajer ..bila charlie blah ...officially bertiga ....and we always joke kata the moment mike blah, i will take over his space ...sebab ada view!!!
Beberapa hari lagi akan masuk 9 bulan aku kat sini ...dah masuk saat2 kritikal sebab my candidature is coming soon. Aritu plan nak target 1st Nov but tak jadi sebab my sv kini berada di China for 6 long weeks, dia ubah dateline till dec ..nama jer ubah sebulan ...but workload bertambah more than 200% ..aku gagahkan juga lah aku dah start skyping and emailing from China ....walaupun dia tak sampai seminggu dah di sana ...semangat tinggi anak didik dia nie pun harus le merajinkan diri jugak ....another reason dia semangat tinggi now is that aku lah satu2nya anak didik phd dia yang tinggal opismate, Mike dah selamat pass viva degan jaya nya awal bulan nie tadi ...and sorang lagi amanda plak baru semalam submit her thesis for examination, focus is on me, pressure jugak le ....
but berita baik was that ...i got a new work space ...kan workspace lama aku ngadap dinding ...coz at the time aku masuk bilik tu, i was the 4th person (aku selalu kata I was the dreaded fouth, tapi mike kata tipu ...coz i was the terrific 3rd!)...but charlie mmg dah submit dah masa tu always bertiga ajer ..bila charlie blah ...officially bertiga ....and we always joke kata the moment mike blah, i will take over his space ...sebab ada view!!!
this is the view that I can see from my seat ...di tempat mike :-) nampak lautan ...and the mountains all at once :-)
On the day my sv left for China, aku masuk2 bilik tengok meja mike dah clear ..coz sepanjang sv aku takde mike akan guna bilik sv ...walaupun dia dah abis, sementara tunggu graduation which is in dec, he is in the process of writing papers for publications based on his thesis...anyway that morning ada nota besar lagi kat meja aku soh cepat pindah ke tempat dia ...sebelum ped gi rebut ...bukan rebut apa ..rebut monitor ...coz mike punya work space ada two monitor ..yang kami mmg dua dua i move there - and now it is officially my space ...mike nak aku ambik the two monitors coz he knows i need it esp if i am using SPSS or STATA nanti ....ahaha to think that masa aku masuk dulu aku ingat dia nia sombong kannnnn ...rupanya baik sekali ....
my new workstation ...with two monitors ...since now belum banyak guna STATA ...the screen on the left is always on FB or blog :-)
my old space is on the left ..masa nie dlm proses nak pindah ..yang paling depan belah kiri tu meja Charlie ...kosong ...and kami jadikan tempat letak brg makanan :-) see, heater was placed near me ...sebab aku yang selalu complain sejuk hahahaha ....
anyway, now Mike telah dipertanggungjawapkan oleh my sv untuk mengajar aku guna STATA sepeninggalan dia ke China, boleh dia soh mamat tu ajar aku hahaha ...he knows we are close and always help each other ..sebab tu dia soh buat cam gitu ....nice kan sv aku?
after 8 months here, i have definitely think that my pilihan untuk datang sini instead of Canada sangat tepat sv is top of his field ...and sangat membantu ...memang dia push me very hard ..sampai kekadang tu memang terasa keperitan...tangisan usah cakap ..kekadang before tido tu mmg nangis dulu mengenangkan kerja yang banyak tak siap2 ...or nangis kat opis when it gets really tough... but he is just doing his job kan ...and my opismates are both ok ...i really do appreciate all the help ..and moral support yang both of them gave me ...the numerous talks and tips ....nie dapat opismate baru plak...and she is nice ...hahaha and dia nie nama ajer dlm opis kami..but she will only use the office weekend ajer ..weekdays dia kerja ...she is our school administrator yang baru nak start buat win win situation ...coz we actually pleaded tak nak org lain masuk opis tu ...coz now kan time genting .. i ngan my proposal which is due soon ...and mamat sorang tu just started his anaysis we pleaded lah tak nak ada org lain ...coz kalau org lain masuk dynamic changes ,,,buat nya dpt org yang suka bersembang ...abis!!!!! here our policy is once you put on the headphone are in your zone and no talking ....kalau free ajer sembang like masa coffee break ...
one day after a really bad weekend, aku masuk opis to find this ...sweet kan ...mentang2 sekarang musim bunga
but my opismates - the current and the ex opismate - tu both baik ...dorang kekadang tak berapa ngam sesama sendiri but ngan aku sentiasa baik ....sorang suka bagi makanan ...and bunga lah ...ajak parties....buat kan kopi segala bagai ...sorang lagi akan ajar aku buat software ...sembang sedapkan ati aku.....and jadi supplier movie or tv series download kat aku hahaha ....but kalau part study dua2 membantu, ngan jiran2 sebelah pun aku dah geng ...but all three will be leaving soon ...sebab dorang dah abis master ...sorang dapat kerja kat Africa ...sorang gi kerja kat Papua New Guinea in Feb and sorang dapat kerja kat Peru and leaving soon aku jugak yang akan tinggal lama kat situ ...penunggu opis dorang panggil aku..coz aku yang paling baru di antara kami :-)
taken last fri at 7.20pm masa aku nak balik flat ...hari2 aku lalu tgk view nie ....
soal work space dah setel ..soal rumah pun dah setel jugak year aku akan duduk di tempat yang sama ...sebab rent tak naik banyak and masih mampu dibayar dengan kadar elaun aku tu ....lagipun lokasi paling dekat ...and internet akses 24 hours naik $15 seminggu ....mahal gak le but within budget ok ...coz aku plan if naik more thn $20 a week, mmg aku tak mampu ..and would have to find rumah luar ...but, it turns out well ...alhamdulilah :-) now all i have to do is pass this candidature ...and move on to the next part of the project, kekawan doakan lah kelancaran my proposal and the candidature process tu yea ....
have a good weekend semua :-0
Monday, October 21, 2013
2013 Wedding 2: My cousin Izni Fatin's wedding
Aloha..yes..I am fully aware of the title..I titled the wedding according to the time it took place--the first one is yet to posted but it is still the first wedding for 2013 ha..ha.. saja buat complicated heee :).
So this one hot from the oven which took place last weekend. Anak my aunty Ana--namanya Izni Fatin--she was the little gal acted in Tragedi October with Awie and Erra...yg keje melalak aje tu ...itu lah dia...she is always very slender...kurush..agak senyap sikit...and Duan every year tot she was form 3 tahu tahu dah kawin..
The akad was held at my aunty's place-- as usual my aunty kalau buat kenduri mmg sepenuh hati...the semua before kita letak gambar kita n lepas kita...kite lagi...i start off with the bride's friend tanya i tadi.."kak liz mana gambar pengantin nya?"..baru lah ku sedar bahawasanya...i was so shiok sendiri dok tepek muka sendiri ha..ha..ha...sabor lah senah...actually ada gambar fatin kite letak tapi gambar kita yg macam dihighlight kan sgt-- aku kata yg ko pandang muka aku je kenapa ha..ha..ha..tak gitu????
During the akad tu i was sitting with my Mak Ana-- and she was so worried sebab Izni was menyeringai all the way on the pelamin ha..ha..ha..tetiba aunty aku jadi conservative sgt kan...malas akak..ha..ha..I told my aunt ..haiyo org yg dok snap pictures sana sini kena smile like smiley lah...kang tak cantik gambar bayar memahal photograper ...sapa nak jawap tu...he...after all family aje ada...kalau org nak ngata ko selimut atas pelamin org cari jer benda nak ngata ...tak gitu???? Pastu cameraman sekarang suruh pose ...ko tengok as above...tak delah posing sorang duduk sorang letak tangan atas peha bersimpuh....then sorang duk atas bnagku sorang letak tangan atas bahu...that was ancient ...way past beyond time lah....ha..ha..ha.. time changed....redha je lah...Nanti time anak kita walaweiiii enggak mahu komen lah...kite tengok je lah nanti
Kita...Aariz tak ikut...dia tak boleh crwod macam untuk keselesaan mummy and abah Aariz and keselesaan Aariz jugak...Aariz tinggal dgn bibiknya...Mummy bagi girl guides promise trip mummy bawak Aariz...
The next day was the hari besar i.e. wedding day..held at a dewan...Theme was turqoise..akak hentam biru cair..oklah tu :)..baju ni dah pakai raya and wedding 1...ingat nak sewa baju sekali datang baju kalah pengantin so...I decided not to sewalah..pakai je lah apa yg ada...jimat lagi menjimati..
I think the bridemaids are the most loveliest that you can get in town lah...semua tu sedara mara my uncle side...adorable..comel lote semua...Siap ada tarian bagai tapi entah napa tak sempat nak snap pictures...perhaps i was melopong tengok the dance kot.
Best part of the kenduri is definitely meeting the sedara mara...i think semua sedara mara dtg aunt mmg keeps good relationship with all d sedara mara so mmg tak heran lah semua sedara dr pelusuk ranjau keluar to attend the wedding...
Sebok sangat mak ana suruh jugak i jemput all my friends tapi mana ada kawan kat JB--yg ada tu pulak kebetulan berjalan pulek ke tak de parents in laws and adik ipar did turun and join the party.
Fatin punya dress tu mmg awesome tahap cipan...cantik sgt green tu...tahun depan raya i pakai color tu eh..dah ada serelung with the boys sekali tapi tak buat the green...tinggal tak berapa berkenan style tudung macam tu nampak kecik noh kepala..tapi overall tu mmg meletop lah..Afi and Inas bertugas utk bagi bunga telur to those yg tepung tawar...control hensem mat afi tu...
So my dearest Fatin..or Kak Tin for the boys...wishing u all the best...marriage is not an easy thing is not fairy tales that ends happily ever after right after that wedding is more than that...takes a lot of patience...compromising...a gamble indeed..but do gamble to win with common goal between you .....insyallah...with common goal , Allah will lead the way...Amin!
So this one hot from the oven which took place last weekend. Anak my aunty Ana--namanya Izni Fatin--she was the little gal acted in Tragedi October with Awie and Erra...yg keje melalak aje tu ...itu lah dia...she is always very slender...kurush..agak senyap sikit...and Duan every year tot she was form 3 tahu tahu dah kawin..
The akad was held at my aunty's place-- as usual my aunty kalau buat kenduri mmg sepenuh hati...the semua before kita letak gambar kita n lepas kita...kite lagi...i start off with the bride's friend tanya i tadi.."kak liz mana gambar pengantin nya?"..baru lah ku sedar bahawasanya...i was so shiok sendiri dok tepek muka sendiri ha..ha..ha...sabor lah senah...actually ada gambar fatin kite letak tapi gambar kita yg macam dihighlight kan sgt-- aku kata yg ko pandang muka aku je kenapa ha..ha..ha..tak gitu????
During the akad tu i was sitting with my Mak Ana-- and she was so worried sebab Izni was menyeringai all the way on the pelamin ha..ha..ha..tetiba aunty aku jadi conservative sgt kan...malas akak..ha..ha..I told my aunt ..haiyo org yg dok snap pictures sana sini kena smile like smiley lah...kang tak cantik gambar bayar memahal photograper ...sapa nak jawap tu...he...after all family aje ada...kalau org nak ngata ko selimut atas pelamin org cari jer benda nak ngata ...tak gitu???? Pastu cameraman sekarang suruh pose ...ko tengok as above...tak delah posing sorang duduk sorang letak tangan atas peha bersimpuh....then sorang duk atas bnagku sorang letak tangan atas bahu...that was ancient ...way past beyond time lah....ha..ha..ha.. time changed....redha je lah...Nanti time anak kita walaweiiii enggak mahu komen lah...kite tengok je lah nanti
Kita...Aariz tak ikut...dia tak boleh crwod macam untuk keselesaan mummy and abah Aariz and keselesaan Aariz jugak...Aariz tinggal dgn bibiknya...Mummy bagi girl guides promise trip mummy bawak Aariz...
I think the bridemaids are the most loveliest that you can get in town lah...semua tu sedara mara my uncle side...adorable..comel lote semua...Siap ada tarian bagai tapi entah napa tak sempat nak snap pictures...perhaps i was melopong tengok the dance kot.

Sebok sangat mak ana suruh jugak i jemput all my friends tapi mana ada kawan kat JB--yg ada tu pulak kebetulan berjalan pulek ke tak de parents in laws and adik ipar did turun and join the party.
So my dearest Fatin..or Kak Tin for the boys...wishing u all the best...marriage is not an easy thing is not fairy tales that ends happily ever after right after that wedding is more than that...takes a lot of patience...compromising...a gamble indeed..but do gamble to win with common goal between you .....insyallah...with common goal , Allah will lead the way...Amin!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
picnic at Waitangi Park
Last Sunday weather sangat awesome ...panas memancar2 ...memang cuaca yang sesuai utk kuar rumah ....Kak Shidah always tell me dulu, masa aku mula sampai sini, yang kalau weather nice and sunny - harus kuar jejalan ...jgn perapkan diri kat rumah ....coz Welly on a good day is a sight to behold ..akan banyak hari2 yang mandom ...and masa tu nak terperap kat rumah pun takpe I know what she meant!
Plan for picnic actually last minute ..plan asal nak pesta tomyam kat rumah aku ...but my housemate ada plan buat potluck with her rakan senegara takkan nak campur kan i have to cancel le, so we plan for picnic at the park ajer ...on Sunday ...kebetulan semua orang free ....which is so jarang2 berlaku kalau last minute plan ....but last weekend was successful ...masa discuss tu pun dah overexcited hahaha ...
pesto dip tu sedap ....with rice cracker
i woke up lambat hahaha so my food plan changes hahaha ...i was out the night before for some music and dance with the salsa people ...which was fun ...and ended up bangun lambat managed to text the girls utk lambatkan our meeting by 40 mins ...and rush downstair to make vegetable fritters (cucur sayur?) ...and at the same time sumbat fish fingers inside the oven my food contribution for the day ....
vege fritters - dalamnya shredded carrots, celery, chilies, cabbages ..nak buat cucur bilis, but no bilis at home :-)
Ms. S yang mula nya plan nak buat sandwiches - with inti sambal sardin kalau tak silap - also has a change of menu hahaha ...and ended up with our current craze ...cronuts! love it ...also cream filling with sugary cinnamon on top ...
WE, being asians le kan ...carik tempat yang redup hahaha org lain gi tempat2 panas ..tengah2 park tu ..kami tak, carik yang bawah pokok ...pas 10 min sedar bontot suar basah ...coz the grass was wet ....kat tempat yang panas takde le basah ....biul sket masing2 ..takde sapa bawak tikar ke apa ke ...sebab last minute plan ...hehehe so, we move further out in the sun lah ....
the sun was shiny ...we even had to put on sunscreen ...coz tanpa sedar it can get a bit hot ...tak sedar coz at the same time kan windy ingat sejuk ...but balik tu aku siap sunburnt ...the wind started to pick up speed halfway kitorang berpicnic tu ....and org pulak makin ramai ....since started to get sejuk and windy ...we decided to have a walk along the waterfront lepak other places .....tak nak golek golek atas rumput dah ....and ended up kat Queens Wharf ...lepak2 and sembang2 semua ....then decided to lepak makan aiskrim and minum kopi ....
these three are my crazies here supportive in time of need ...but fun and crazy as hell at other time ...
since the weather was nice, ramai gak le orang jejalan kat sini ....lama gak we all lepak here ...just talking, laughing and people watching ...and we just sat there tengok this view:
here people can hire the paddle ...but watching them paddling is more fun hahaha ..went back when it was getting too hot ....we are the fidgety type, takleh dok diam at one place for long ...pas tu siap gi check out the wall climbing place ...kat sini gak ...and not bad lah ....akan dicuba next time ....haritu, our pakaian tak sesuai :-)
Happy happy sekeluarga di PD
Bersiaran live dari pd. Semalam lepas fid habis kerja kami ke Segambut jap untuk ambik keta kelisa dari workshop. Lepas tu cepat cepat packing untuk balik ke PD. Saja berkumpul adik beradik sempena Hari Raya Aidiladha ni.
Aku sekarang kalau balik PD ikut highway mex sampai cyberjaya pastu ikut jalan Sepang. Dapat la singgah kat cendol bakar kat Dengkil. Masuk masuk gerai tu dah semerbak bau durian. Wajib order cendol durian.
Makanan yang ada hanya rojak pasembor. Boleh la. Asalkan sosnya sedap. Layannnn. Zahra makan crabstick aje. Sampai pd kol 6.30pm.
Lepas solat Isyak. Majlis makan makan bermula. Anak sedara aku order dari kawan dia makanan makanan ni semua.Cheesetart. Aku x rasa pun tart ni. Tahu tahu dah licin aje. Aku x berapa sangat cheesetart ni, kalau fruit tart sah sah aku belasah dulu.
Anak sedara aku sponsor coklat ni. Zahra sibuk nak buat sendiri x bagi orang buat untuk dia. Bila fid nampak dia dah mula kumpul banyak banyak dalam mangkuk terpaksa la buatkan untuk Zahra. Lepas tu dia tak makan pun. Saja nak main main dengan coklat.
Main dish kami nasi kerabu. Sedap nasi kerabu ni. Harga berparutan. Ayam goreng tu Izal yang marinatekan pastu goreng sendiri. Sedap ayam tu. Izal perap dengan rempah rendang. Aku pulak gorengkan nasi goreng cina in case ada yang tak suka nasi kerabu.
Sempat jugak selitkan acara potong cake Birthday anak sedara aku. Selalunya kalau bab bab tiup lilin ni Zahra la juara kan. Macam birthday dia je dia berlagak nak tiup lilin. Tapi malam tadi dia sikit pun tak heran sebab ada banyak lagi benda yang lebih mencuri tumpuan dia. Main belon, buaian, tablet dan macam macam lagi la. Lega aku dia tak heran sebab kalau tak nanti jenuh nak berebut dengan Dayana. Sempat sekejap Zahra dengan Dayana bergaduh berebut tablet. Konon nak main sama sama tapi aku tengok Zahra yang conquer. Mengamuk la Dayana bila dia x dapat pegang Zahra suruh dia tengok aje. Tak padan kecik.Ana sponsor coklat dan hamper untuk cabutan bertuah. Macam macam coklat ada. Kenyang melantak coklat. Fid dengan EJ pun dapat sekotak sorang sebab no diorang dipanggil. No aku xde ong. Tak naik.
Lepas dah kenyang kami berkaraoke. Seronok bergelak ketawa ramai ramai. Enjoy. Tapi bila acara selesai masa nak berkemas, aiyooo. Malas di buatnya. Abang aku 2 orang x dapat join. Abang Razak aku ada busy dengan PHD dia. Abang Man aku pulak masa otw ke PD dapat panggilan abang ipar dia sakit kuat. Dia terpaksa melencong ke rumah mertua dia. Hopefully berkesempatan enjoy enjoy macam ni buat jamuan keluarga.
Bersawang habis blog ni. Memasing sibuk. Apo nak di kato.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Salam Aidildha dari Makara
jangan tekejut tajuk salam raya ..tapi posting kuar lambat ...sebab akak sibuk...buat posting tergantung tergantung ...baru today ingat nak repost ....soriiiiiiiiiiii
(sambil kipas2 buang sawang labah2 gergasi kat blog ini)
Salam Aidiladha untuk semua ..who I am sure sedang sibuk bersiap2 since Malaysia sambut raya haji today ...well, for kami di bumi Welly nie, raya haji is tomorrow :-) tapi as usual, I will be at work ..sebab lusa nak kena jumpa sv sebelum dia fly off for 6 weeks to China and meniggalkan daku sendirian membuat kerja akak stress yang over the top now, but trying to be positive nie ....
by being positive, I mean kiter temeng le gambar2 yag menggumbirakan ati ...hahaha 2 weeks ago kan aku gi jejalan sampai ke Makara ...dekat ajer ..but no public transport nak gi situ ..well, actually Nabil and gang ada ajak aku hiking ke Makara last month ....and wajip akak tolak coz hiking tu takes about 1-1.5 hours from my place ...tak koser akak ikut dorang coz dorang nie set set jalan laju and berkaki panjang i didnt go with them ...then 2 weeks ago, i went with the girls ..tak rancang pun ..plan nak gi tempat lain tapi "tersampai" kat Makara ...
Ada dua attractions kat Makara: wind farms kat the hills and Makara Beach ..we drove up to the hills but sadly it was closed that day ...tutup sebab lambing season kata nya patah balik and headed straight to the beach ....
the magnificent view of the beach ...masa tu was so windy ...and a good wave ramai surfers in the water ...aku malas nak snap gambar dorang and be so jakun hahahaha .....this was like 4 or 5 pm ...and silau gak le sejuk tak lama kat sini ...look see look see ...snap sana snap sini ...borak and chow ...actually kalau cuaca elok, you can always go for a walk or a hike kat sini ...which my friends have done ...masa tu aku gi pakai my summer sandals not fit for walking ok ....maybe next time kot ....
This is actually one of the beach yang selamat untuk berenang ...but not at that day le ..sebab ombak cam menderu2 ..terus teringat nasihat fendu: kalau takut dilanda ombak, jangan berumah di tepi pantai hahahaha .....but kalau aku ada pilihan aku nak berumah dekat pantai ...with such a wonderful beach view :-)
sebab angin kuat, kitorang melepak dalam kereta ...hahahaha sebab this one was unplanned kan ...mmg baju tak sesuai untuk face the elements lah ....
tapi satu lah ...kat sini pantai dia berbatu .....kurang pasir:-) takleh aku nak golek2 sangat ..kang sakit badan hahahah
but on the way to this place memang lalu kawasan2 yang sangat2 remind aku of those drive that i took with friends di UK ....bushes with yellow flowers ....sheeps ....horses .....the only difference that i see was that UK tend to have more flat lands ....esp where I am kat North East lah ....but here it is just hilly ...and non-ending hilltops .....
hahaha gambar snapped from inside a moving car ajer ehhh ...coz we were like late for another programme :-)
the rolling hills saujana mata memandang
kuda pun masih pakai selimut ok! and that was like 4pm hehehehe ....
siap ada pedestriann walkway coz people here just love to walk...hike or whatever...regardless of the weather ....
nie gambar last ...we left the countryside and dah sampai Karori ....back to where the houses berlambak2 .....more densely populated area and all that ....
actually bila aku check balik this posting kan does remind me of UK ...but the difference i think was that, comparatively, Newcastle selalu gloomy in the noth east of England ...and sejuk ....but here, sejuk mmg sejuk esp kalau tetiba ada southerlie ...but on a good sunny day is such a lovely place ...nothing beats Wellington on a warm sunny day! tapi tu lah ..kalau quake ...ribut ...of course aku ingat Mysia and Newcastle ....but fair to say, I am beginning to fall in love with this place ....
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