the food was ok ...but masalahnya management lambat replenish...and that time plak, the restaurant was full to the brim. In fact, since kami tak buat booking - we were lucky enough to get the last free table for that night! so, org ramai, food slow di top up ...choices quite ok...crabs and prawns suppose to be free flow tapi malam tu takde prawns katanyer ...tak tau lah

anyhow, i enjoyed myself..i think the students did as well...cuma haslina and i were disappointed with the kelembapan top-up food ...i tunggu coleslaw sampai balik tak dapat ...imagine that!

lambat lambat tu tactic la...nak customer tunggu pastu sambil tunggu teguk air sampai kembong. yang malas nak tunggu blah je. diorang boleh kurangkan kos and untung lebih.
another tempting punya food...duan suka sgt steamboat....makanan org org nak diet kan...
sedap ....i love steamboat ...walaupun allergic prawns, aku bantai aje selalu nyer ...kah kah kah
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