Monday, August 17, 2009

Untuk Best Fren

Since Friday Nite Ej dok singing to my ears persuaded me to take her to Chocolate. She wanted to tapau few Spoon Shape chocolate to give to her best friend. I was lazy to go to town area especially shopping area due to H1N1. Traumatic.
But since I have promised her, so after dinner at Wong Solo, I drove to Pavilion and waited in the car while EJ and Fid went to Chocolate to tapau the spoon shape chocolate. There were so many people around the area especially tourist. I was wondering. Was I over reacted with the pendemic? Or people could not care less with what's going on around the world?
Sempat lagi snap snap gambar tu.
Happy face becuase wish comes true.

Was it for friend or for yourself??? Curious me asking.

For me and my best friend to share. Satanem.

Ha ha ha. Can you see the invisible spoon shape chocolate? Where is it? OUT OF STOCK katanya. Ha ha ha. EJ end up bought piano shape chocolate and few others with pineapple and sesame flavours. But she is so excited to go to school tomorrow. Plan to meet up with her best fren at 11.45am.


Liz Duan said...

cetap lah beh fren

Ejin said...

fountain tu pun dah sinonim ngan chocolate ..s.etiap kali ke pavilion, korang beli chocolate ..then tangkap gambar fountain tu ...apakah fendi syok sangat tengok fountain yang dia kata asal dari NS tu???? hehehehe

fendifid said...

ish..aku kan duk dalam keta...tak terlibat dalam photo session itu.

Ejin said...

oooo kira si fid le peminat setia fountain tu yea ...jgn tak ngaku plak fid!