Hi Rakan dan taulan----ana sudah
53days lebih kurang 7.5 week..and the below is from the website i told u guys before utk this 7 week development:
1) If you've ever had
facial breakouts or acne, I'm sorry to say that you may get to experience this again. Due to the hormonal changes in your body, you may end up with a few breakouts over the next few weeks. It's okay though. Using a good, gentle facial cleanser and hypoallergenic make-up will keep these to a minimum. And these breakouts will go away either when you enter your second trimester or when you deliver-----
i have one pimple nak keluar tak keluar punya jenis di pipi kanan
2)You may have either
gained or lost a few pounds, but are not showing yet.----
yesterday, was up on the scale and i gained 1.7kg dalam pada tak berapa nak makan ni...
but i have been munching this JAcob's cream crackers non stop
--utk hilang kan loya and angin---sorry Eat, biskut cap ping pong tak jumpe...nak kena import dari people's republic aku rasa :)
3)The good news? Your
pregnancy symptoms may start to decrease. While the heartburn, morning sickness and breast tenderness may continue, the backaches and headaches usually do subside at least a little after this week----
am counting on this....:)
i have a terrible backaches----so another pregnant proof shoes
---this is more on the spirit to have that "keparat" or corporate look....:)...kira boleh lah...black in colour!
Cramps: You may experience slight menstrual type cramps around the time you would normally be expecting your period. They should only last a day or so, and are usually moderate in nature. If the cramping should become severe, or if you have spotting, be sure to call your doctor and let them know ----
i dont think i have this, i have never experienced period cramps so dont really know how it feels --tapi adalah sakit sakit perut manja....
Breasts: You may have tender breasts. Your nipples may appear darker, and more prominent. Be sure to wear a good support bra. You may require a larger cup size as your pregnancy advances ---
Checked and done!6)
Frequent Urination: You may find that you are making very frequent trips to the bathroom ---
yes, this started last monday...2 times at nite! I dont remember that this actually occurs at this early stage.... 7) One more thing --which is not mentioned in the website --i am having this
metalic taste on my tonque ...memang punah rasanya....worse sekali if you take air suam rasa dah payau semacam...so end up kena minum air yg manis....and this mettalic taste can be neutralisedwith kurma ajer.....makanan lain mmg makan pikirkan baby ajer.....i was scolded by Afi last monday " mummy, have to eat untuk si kecik"---

been taking kurma and buah tiin ever since we know about this pregnancy...semoga sikecik mendapat kebaikan yg dijanjikan Nya...Amin!