A Doctor in the House (ADTH) -- i am already at Chapter 6 or 7..they are short chapters... up to now , to certain extend it is like reading history..i love history, but only got to learn history until form 3..for form 4 we got to elect either History or Add Maths...i adore maths better!
Back to ADTH..once there was Malay Archipelago...which is now divided politically, there are 3 main branches :Indonesian, Filipinos-Jose Rizal is a malay! and Malay of Peninsular, Borneo + Brunei. I once have a friend told me that malay are technically indonesian, but i politely rejected his assumption and told him about rumpun melayu... anyway, it also mentioned that the malay are cultured people, always courteous and formal --with adat and all lah ni..and rebellions and revolution hardly featured in malay history...true kan, habis kuat pun kisah Jebat derhaka which we choose to worship these days!
With that level of "rebelless" character, malay in this peninsular is said to be even more relaxed and easygoing, not into physical work which in contrast with other ethnic of malay which naturally hardworking and intensely competitive...adoiii....tapi baca baca baca we can take pride of our generousity and accomodating..i feel Islam mould us to be in such a way and today we come out to be the most developed Malay while maitaining our identity... interesting huh!
I will try to update interesting facts here as i continue reading the book...plesae note ADTH is memoir of Tun bukan Hikayat "Tak Melayu hilang di Dunia" he..he.....that is only selingan which i feel like sharing here!
Actually my earlier intention was to post our last saturday outing to McD TC for the free breakfast and that outing marked as Aariz's first day-out...he sleeps all the way!

Beratur punya lah panjang 45 minutes solid! Ada jugak kisah... , this one guy queuing in front of me..eksen eksen cite usually tak ramai macam tu...
kite pun cakap ada free breakfast coupon...
dia kata ohh patutlah selalu saya kat sini tak de pun orang ramai macam ni...then dia start kutuk kutuk mc d...lepas ni mc d bankruptlah...apa punya strategy lah..bla bla..
aku dah malas nak pandang org tu dah...
aku cakap ..their margin could be big or they have made a lot of it and it's time to give back to teh people and definitely takat sampai rugi with the quantity...
degil tu dia kata tak de mesti rugi...geramnya aku...malas nak layan , aku buat dek ajer...

(kindly ignore the tougue)
sekali about 20 minutes lepas tu, dia pusing lagi tanya pulak " ada coupon lebih tak "...
so happened mmg tak de ,so dgn senang hati aku jawap tak de...
sekali akak queue depan dia tu a good samaritan, bagi lah pulak kat dia...happy sangat tu...initially tu dia sakit hati tengok org ramai and he got to queue lama...apa lah punya orang!

Pastu ada pulak sedara dia ke datang nak potong queue, suh beli 2 pack kot...
aku dah stand by stand by nak cakap tak boleh buat cam tu...
nasib baik dia reject kawan tu...
then dia pusing kat kite cakap, kalau satu tadi boleh jugak tolong tapi dua tak payah lah....
tuh kite cakap kat dia , tak boleh satu org satu ajer.....gitu!

macam macam......alahai mat aariz ni time aku tunggu dia tak bangun pulak....kalau kite tidur tak sejam dia dah mintak susu....COBAAN!!!!!!!!!!!