this is one the pics when eat visited me in cardiff during our second year...you can see the kind of craziness and joy that we had ...i think we strecthed our hand and took this picture...wow the good old times....we baked, we ate...non stop...shariah was there also (dia ikut mu ke eat????i don't think so)..,raja z...we played cards....and visited the castle...apa lagi kat uk ni...i bet they were so many kings n queens yeah last time...and above all we laughed like non stop on all course...something that you can't do without with eat around.....adios...i will add in a picture or two to this post tomorrow....
Did you really baked? jangan tipu. You ate...yes I agree...definately.
If you could recall, we never had reunion in UK where all of us ada at the same place at the same time. Nak buat camne...ada yang kurang cerdik sikit left in KL for 1 year. Statement maut...sure kena belasah sat gi.
amboi ...mulut takde insuran ke apa???? eat jom belasah dia pas nie!
seingat aku, aku pernah pi cardiff one time, and masa tu eat pun ada, ngko takde. Aku ada gombo to prove it (tapi gombo kena edit dulu, nak buang mahluk perosak dari gambo tu!). Then masa ke newcastle, eat plak takde, korang kat liverpool aku plak takde, kat london kite ngan orang bulan sume ada, eat plak takde ....nie pi Chillies, liz plak takde! Next round, Bandung eat plak ngada takde! Bila nak reunion betul2 nie...
itu lah die penat kan nak tunggu
ehhh blog kite ni patut tukar tajuk syok sendiri...nobody else visit this blog except for us...the very the pera.....
ye la.. we ate, ate and ate whereas the guys manjang cooked, cooked & cooked. Well balanced carefree life.. hmm..
Anyway, shahriah did't follow me but followd her hubby lah.. urat putus la liz nih!!
yg cerdik tu pulak secretly keje kat shah alam! imagine si cerdik kat sek 18 and aku kat sek 20!! all along tak tau .. kalau tau, sure dah biru2 kena cubit nih..
Aku tak paham le eat punya komen nie...sapa ke seksyen 18 tu???? buah ati lama ke apa?
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