Monday, February 23, 2009

Exclusive on Sunday....

I have been thinking for quite a bit right after my last posting what would be my next posting. The momentum is reducing, as we are all running out of ideas..all of, fend and fendi said HAUS...I give up on her he..he..he...I wonder if she's still reading at all.

It is not like everyweek we do something extraordinary or visit certain special places..especially not me in Kuantan..and then suddenly it strikes me, this is about us being us and by being us means normal, right? not necessarily those extravaganza experiences or only about "happening" events...

so starting this week i will share with all ( my 500,000 readers????:) my humbly weekend activities and i start with ...lunch???? huh....i should have taken pictures of the preparation but never mind i'll do it this coming weekend.....for now i give you my 500,000 readers the recipe for my weekend lunch ...prepared as tukang potong itu and ini dengan kadar kelajuan yg luar biase, like "bawang putih? "checked!".."lada satu besar 2 kecik" "checked!".....lelah akak...working sudip ke sudip with my dearest chef........

This is kepah daun selasih.. the ingredients are kepah of course sayang, onions (besau and kecik), oyster sauce and daun selasih...i love daun selasih so has exotic smell, trust me..(ps:of course all originated from asia is exotic!)

Sup daging....fresh meat ( no daging kotak ok)+carrot+holland onion+celery+daun sop+daun bwg+tomato+bwg kecik/garlic+black tip on cooking with a must ensure you do not miss any daun..and the black pepper ..whether it is grounded or halus ...also play an important role....

Last but not least, udang butter mayo...ingredients are..udang di kunyit+butter+garlic+mayo+green chilli...and itu super duper yummy lunch ...once a week ...exclusive on sunday....


Ejin said...

Mak aiii, sedapnya kak long! Aku tak mau resipi, aku nak korang masak cam gini bila aku turun kuantan ...

fendifid said...

When I read few sentences, I thought we have a new writer. 2 thumbs up kak long. Finally you got luminous ideas to write about. Eat? Tetap haus...larikkkkkk

Look at the lip-smacking foods and suddenly I recall persembahan ikan patin masak lemak suatu waktu dahulu. Uhuk-uhuk...Sabar je lah.

Ejin said...

eat??? siapa itu eat??? aku sampai lupa nama tu sebab lama tak muncul kat blog nie hehehehe

Liz Duan said...

can can about masak no problem...mase hari tu kau dtg fendu kan ke duan tak de to cook kan? so aku buat ape yg dah diwarisi...besides eatwan suka patin...kau aku dah bagi durian tu kire sempoi lah kah..kah

Eat said...

Bravo kak long!!!!! Soalannye cepu mas, Siapa kah tukang potong segala sayur2 dalam sup daging tu?

Eat said...

Ejin.. kau telah mengguris hati ku.. hahaha.. ngada!!

Ejin said...

hehehehe sori eat ...aku ingat ngko dah lupa blog nie...ampun maaf, sembah salam dari sarawak

Liz Duan said...

eat ni betul haus lah...dah aku tulis aku tukang potong..potong lidah kau kang

Ejin said...

kah kah kah tu diaaaaa ..kak long dah marah dahhhhh