Duan and me , we watched The Book Of Eli.--and the boys were sent off to watch Percy JAckson and the Ligthning Thief.
My verdict on The Book Of Eli...
first of all the reason we chose this movie is because of Denzel ....it's about saving the last Bible on earth...sungguh tak sesuai utk muslim lah rasanya....macam dengar sunday sermon as there are quite a number of verses being cited..macam lah aku pernah dengar sermon kan:)...Other than that colour of the movie makes me miserable lah...at 30 sth ni kena tgk cite yg colourful ajerrrr...cite ni hitam putih ajer semua kelabu asap..--but in the spirit to pick up the good message, it shows to certain extend how people lost themselves and everything without religion.

The boys' verdict on Percy Jackson --they said the movie--BEST...2 thumbs up from the boys!

Then on Sunday...we watched 3D Alice on the Wonderland ...it is kids' stuff..

Duan ...he had enough with Avatar and thus, he chose to watch Soloman Kane
..his rating for Solomon Kane is ok....itu ajer word yg mampu keluar dari abang Duan....:)

Tengok gambar pun akak tak de mood nak tanya kah..kah..kah...
ok folks chiaowwwwwww....................
amboi...movie marathon...Yang Percy tu la aku tgk dgn fid kat Seremban...ok la...not bad.
yang Eli tu...member kata tak best sangat. aku pun kureng cite cite yang gelap gelap camtu...sakit mata je.
yang duan tgk tu...tak tahu pun cite tu wujud...ha ha ha
aku dah lam tak pi tengok wayang ...layan DVD ajer ...
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