I always hope that I always choose the right path to fall back on regardless of the moments of this life we live in whether it's an up or a down. Some says that "masa susah kite cari tuhan masa senang kite lupa" - most of the time that statement prevails but Allah maha pengasih ......people can say anything but going back to Allah is always the best way to get healed and with Allah you'll get the strengh...insyallah!
as human we complain endlessly "kenapa macam ni kenapa macam tu" but if we look back and think...kite nampak banyak kebaikan disebalik kesusahan yg kite alami...mungkin tanpa kesusahan ini kite tak jumpa tuhan kite terus lalai dan kite akan terus macam kite yg dahulu....i think i have seen many many blessings in disguise...god works in a mysterious way...
One thing for sure, jangan bersangka buruk kepada Allah...Allah tidak menyusahkan ...Islam is given to us as a way of life...It is our choice to be on the path or the sideway...
I always hope and pray that we are all leading to the path.
Life has been good for me especially for the past 15 years,but I always have that fear wondering what's in store for me in the years to come.... then i realise that is sometime we cant control... we can choose the person whom we want to become but we cant choose our future...
all we can do is to ensure we try our best to be on the right path dan berdoa....terus berdoa dan bersyukur kerana Allah Maha mendengar dan Maha Pengasih.....Aminnn
as human we complain endlessly "kenapa macam ni kenapa macam tu" but if we look back and think...kite nampak banyak kebaikan disebalik kesusahan yg kite alami...mungkin tanpa kesusahan ini kite tak jumpa tuhan kite terus lalai dan kite akan terus macam kite yg dahulu....i think i have seen many many blessings in disguise...god works in a mysterious way...
One thing for sure, jangan bersangka buruk kepada Allah...Allah tidak menyusahkan ...Islam is given to us as a way of life...It is our choice to be on the path or the sideway...
I always hope and pray that we are all leading to the path.
Life has been good for me especially for the past 15 years,but I always have that fear wondering what's in store for me in the years to come.... then i realise that is sometime we cant control... we can choose the person whom we want to become but we cant choose our future...
all we can do is to ensure we try our best to be on the right path dan berdoa....terus berdoa dan bersyukur kerana Allah Maha mendengar dan Maha Pengasih.....Aminnn

apo nak di kato...
hidup penuh pancaroba
what happened made me wonder if i am as strong if it is me who faced those mess....kite kena banyak bersyukur...
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