What happened recently is very sickening....how can a person be so cruel???
I am now wondering if anybody is reaching out to the 7 year old Abang of the arwah....and frankly i just hate seeing reporters asking silly questions to a small kid to comment for such a big crime.....how can you be so ignorant...to ask a kid how he feels and so on when he himself maybe experiencing the same abuse, dont they see that possibilities?
Al fatihah to arwah.........and a reminder.... to myself particularly.... that Anak itu Amanah Allah....bukan investment, bukan helper etc etc cuma .....AMANAH ALLAH

Good job kak long...memang pening dok layan cerita tu kat surat khabar.
Beb.. thnx for reminding me as well... Insya Allah- the little one is at a better 'place' now. Al-Fatihah..
by the way miss fido...ni marathon comment ke? org marathon posting engkau lain pulek...:)
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