Ok tumpang lalu mencelah Pulau Pinang...and am glad to bring you guys to Sungai Lembing here in Kuantan, Pahang. Just a little bit of history, Sungai Lembing was once the richest tin mining town in Pahang. I was told by my dear friend Lina (the one in green) -she's local and also from my very very brief reading in the museum, once a upon a time during the British colonialism,
Sungai Lembing was a fully developed town equipped with all sort of facilities like swimming pools, cinema, cricket field etc. Eventhough, the people was actually being segregated according to the working class but they had almost everything in such a small town...
Today what left is the heritage...mainly old building.
..personally i think the authority is not doing good enough in preserving the historical heritage....example there are like "rumah panjang" for the labours with a proper signage as a tourists' attraction but the house is like a ghost house, it is not maintained at all--even the wooden shops ...i think it will be a matter of time for them to be totally abolished from the ground.
Lina told me that this was where the movie Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam was shot! Takuts pulak tengok pokok tu kan???

Personally I am seeing the museum
to be like the last man standing for the younger generation to know anything about Sungai Lembing....Price of development????? Emmmmmmm
There are also 2-3 jambatan gantung---menarik jugak---

Having said all that, i was actually there last saturday to bring a colleague from Philippines -Marga-for sightseeing. Luckily we have Lina who dragged all of us there -especially myself. She has been promoting Sg Lembing for the past 4 years (from my day 1 in Grace)...I enjoy it alright---the Philippino loves it--so Thank you Mek Lina!
Aku gosok mata 40 kali...mak make sure I'm awake...kot kot la kan dalam mimpi...cam tak caya je kak long menjelajah tempat bersejarah. Kot kot ada shopping malls aku tak perasan dalam gambar tu...tapi rasa macam takde. Nko sesat ke apa kat tempat ni kak long?
Anyway...Bravo...good write up.
geng ronggeng x teringin ke nk pg?
pokok besar tu x silap umur dh beratus tahun...
Lin - Next trip pi makan Udang Galah...boleh je singgah. Apakah?
Soalan - Biler Zamreen free? kang hattrik ketinggalan boat.
Aku sebijik like Fendi ...ingatkan posting eat sebab yea lah kan ..images of musuem etc etc tak kena ngan jiwa Liz ...aku siap tengok 2-3 kali dalam gambar tu ...nak tengok betul liz ke idak kah kah kah ...ampun kak long!!!! tapi well done yea for the write up ..mmg authority kat Malaysia tak berapa perihatin biler part2 maintainence and conservation of tempat2 bersejarah nie ..unless it is in KL
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