so..this is when we visited ejin...adik....in new castle..right hand side is the uni...left hand side is the shopping mall..always ensure the balance btw shop and others...we also went boating at certain lake...somehow as mentioned, eat was not there to join us...yg main casting were always me, dut and fendi...muka conti...he..he..see how slim they were...i always maintain except for the love handle...nak buat camno, the outcome for the 3 boys...(reason mesti ade).. ..ok lah tu,,...fendi now is double ...ke more than double...ejin...tetap tak tinggi tinggi...berat tu biar fendi lah comment....duan, thank god dah back to the previous size..he was 80kg at one time....heavy...yezzer.....
ehhhh...i dah lupa gambo tu! ada somewhere in my album kat rumah my parents! Ingat tak liz, masa tu fend pi mandi kat Wet & Wild sorang2 and we went to a lake ke apa....and bila ambik dia kite buat announcement suruh org tu kata "Fendu Gatal, please come to the info desk please ..." org tu ingat betul le nama dia Fendu Gatal ...hahahahaha and sebut dengan begitu professional sekali!
Nko ni ejin..benda benda cam ni memang tip top your memory. Ironically I did not hear the announcement. I went out base on timing that you all allocated for me.
FYI and the readers (kalau ada la). Aku maintain kurus ok...except for 1 part..due to surgery that I went through in 2001.( macam liz la...must blame on something )...he he he.
Aku punya memori power - sebab tu otak berat, and bila otak berat, susah nak bertambah tinggi ...so, i am blaming my ketidaktinggian on my great memory lah (kan kena blame on something!) kan kak long kan?
REALLY?? First name Fendu, Surname Gatal? Mmg sesuai sangat le tu!!
yes i remember bab "fendi gatal" tu...
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